Freedom Or Money

Published: Aug. 17, 2018, midnight

b'In todays episode David Ralph, discusses if freedom is worth more than money after he received a message from a listener in Columbia. "Hi David, big love to Join Up Dots. Do you think, I need time to build my business or money. Ok, to lose money if it comes back to me. Thank you Mateo Hernandez Columbia" You see when you start out on business its really hard to get things done. You are expected to be at work at a fixed time You want to be home as soon as you can to either, lay on the sofa relaxing or spending time with your partner and children. It\'s difficult for sure. So how can you get the freetime to do things that need to be done to grow your fledgling business? Well one of the things that you can do for sure, is look at how much money you are frittering away each month, as you may not have to work as much as you do. It is amazing how much money can be clawed back by making some decisions as to your lifestyle, and spending habits. Imagine you lived on an island, where the food was plentiful, you could build your own shelter and living accommodation? How much money do you think that you would need on a daily basis? I would suggest hardly anything at why do we spend so much on needless subscriptions, cups of starbuck coffee each day, and gym memberships that we never use. It is astonishing how much we allow to slip through our fingers without knowing it. Which leads you to be able to make bold decisions as to your future. Could you ask your boss to go down to four days per week, instead of five? Could you ask to work from home one day per week? Could you leave your job and instead find a lower paid job, that allows you the free time to build your side hustle? Because one thing for sure, you need to make decisions that alter your current situation if you want to make a new one. You can not expect to live the same life until your new life comes along that is for sure. So let us know, if you are in the process of making bold decisions how are you doing it? Have you decreased expenditure, or perhaps you have simply accepted a decrease in income until things turn around for you. Thanks for listening and hope to hear from you personally on the voice mail messenger.'