
Published: Aug. 21, 2017, midnight

b'Freedom, Freedom, what George Michael would sing, and my guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots free podcast interview is a man who has done just that in his life. He has created freedom where other people see time restraints. He afforded me the honour of being one ofthe first guests on a new podcast he created several years ago. At that time he was a personal trainer and health club manager working in the Washington DC area, who through his day to day interactions with his clients could see that his skills would be perfect for the online world. But how do you take an idea and transition to the point that you can have clients across the world. Well first off all you have to get online, then you have to create an attractive offer, and then become visible to the right people. And this he did in startling effect as over the past ten years he has coached hundreds of clients to figure out the #1 limiting factor that holds people back from achieving great results in their life. He came to understand how to develop a strong mindset, and realised that this is usually the missing link to the success that people wanted Without a strong mindset you won\\u2019t be able to create better habits in your life, and without good habits you will never gain any serious momentum with your biggest goals. As he says \\u201cA few years ago, I started to feel like something was missing from my life. As much as I loved personal training, I felt a calling for something bigger. Wellness had made such a positive impact in my life & I felt obligated to pay it forward. I wanted to make a bigger impact and inspire more people. So what the heck was stopping me?\\u200b The fear of sharing my voice with the world and potentially failing. I was terrified of falling short. In January 2015, my 25 year old brother tragically passed away. His death was the catalyst behind many big changes in my life & I decided it was my time to jump. The fear of failure becomes obsolete when you come to terms with the fact that none of us are promised tomorrow. Losing a family member makes you start asking yourself the questions that many people put off for a lifetime. I packed my bags, bought a one way ticket to San Diego and haven\\u2019t looked back since.\\u201d So why was he so scared at getting out there, and looking back was it a fear that was valid? And what is the biggest piece of advice he gives to the world, when they are looking to make changes in their own lives? Well let\\u2019s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr Ian Ryan Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with Ian Ryan such as: Why Ian is focused on creating a world class retreat, and the steps he is taking to make this dream to happen. Why Ian moved to San Diego, for reasons that turned out to be so good for the spirit and the mind, and best of all surrounded himself with amazing entrepreneurs everywhere. How the world in our view needs to focus more on its addiction to 100% connectivity. We didnt have it a few years ago, so do we need it now? and lastly\\u2026. Why there comes a time in building an online business,when you realise that its time to step away from the pc and get out into the world\\u2026online and offline are the perfect combination. Freedom is what we talk about today.'