Free Marketing

Published: June 13, 2018, midnight

b'Free Marketing Can Be Amazing For Any Business And Best Of All Its Easy To Do Too My guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots free podcast interview is a man who comes to the show with quite eclectic history. If you take British entrepreneur, piano player, international racing driver and business coach who grew his own business to 8-figures, then exited and founded, helping coaches, trainers and therapists find more of their ideal clients, more easily, mix them all together you will have our guest. Which is unusual and similar at the sametime. As you will no doubt know coaching is huge business across the online and offline world and literally it seems million of people are chasing clients to build their own business. Our guest though thinks that you dont need to chase anyone. Our guest actually hates marketing, and is more than reluctant to pay for any type of Facebook marketing As he says \\u201cI have helped hundreds of coaches to build their thriving practice, using the Three Principles of Effortless Marketing. Yes, you can get your ideal clients chasing you, build a thriving coaching or therapy business that doesn\\u2019t need you there all the time, and join the 1% of \\xa3100k+ earners in the transformation profession\\u2026all that WITHOUT spending a penny on advertising, working like a dog, or losing your mind\\u2026 So is this simply jedi mind tricks or simple honest business principles that the world has long forgotten? And when did he realise that he had to find a new way of operating for his own sanity not least his clients? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr. Jonny Cooper Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with Jonny Cooper such as: Jonny discusses the fundamental three pillars of marketing, which always start with asking the gold questions that everyone seems to miss. Why it is vitally important to define your avatar right from the start of your business. Know these characters as well as you know yourself to grow success. Johnny shares how he used to be commuting everywhere to drive his business where he wanted it to go, whilst now he lets the business come to him. and lastly\\u2026. Why Johnny now feels it is so important to not to try to please everyone\\u2026.find your ideal person or client and ignore the rest.'