Follow Your Passion

Published: Aug. 12, 2022, midnight

b'Follow Your Passion Jim Hughes is today\\u2019s guest on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots podcast interview. He is the founder of Become Untamed, a coaching, deep immersion and adventure events programme, and the place where he helps you find yourself often using the wilderness as the way forward. He has been on a hell of a journey of personal discovery over the last few years, but now seems to have found the point when it\\u2019s hard to drag the smile off his face. But let\\u2019s go back a few years and the smile was lost, or at least mislaid. As he says \\u201cI burned myself out treading someone else\\u2019s path. I changed myself to fit into my environment, I questioned \\u2013 and then quietened \\u2013 my instincts, and I lost confidence in my abilities. I stressed myself out questioning everything. \\u200bI\\u2019d always pushed through challenges so this lack of clarity was crippling.'