Focus And Attention

Published: Oct. 8, 2021, midnight

b"Neen James is todays guest joining us on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots podcast. She first joined us back on episode 258 of the show, and talked openly about her journey from corporate Australia to the United States and then entrepreneurial success. With a strong background in learning and development and managing large teams at various corporations, she was and is the perfect fit for organizations wanting to learn implementable strategies to save time, increase focus and help their people get more done. Not the kind of stuff that you might have seen time and time again, when the work management takes as long as doing the job in the first place. But practical stuff that can make a huge difference. How The Dots Joined Up For Neen Neen James is the author of eight business books including \\u201cFolding Time, Secrets of Super-Productivity, Strategic Networking and Network or Perish\\u201d to name just a few. And now it seems that she is bringing everything together and really tackling the crux of productivity issues - lack of focus. She challenge audiences and clients to prioritize focusing on what matters most in their work and lives. Which is the perfect place to start today's show\\u2026.. So with more and more interruptions, beeps, notifications and other distractions entering our lives everyday is there a way to break the circle and focus on what matters most? And of course when she is talking to someone and sneaks a quick glance at her phone, does she \\u201caahh you are as bad as the rest of us!!\\u201d Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Neen James."