Fix You

Published: June 16, 2017, midnight

b'It\'s a truth that so many people will speak, or at least they convince themselves that it is a truth. "That if it was that easy then everyone would be doing it" They say those words when they dont want to put themselves into the position to fail, and so cling onto this truth as a comfort blanket against failure. So is it easy to become an entrepreneur? Is it easy to create a business from scratch so that you can sit on the beach with a cocktail or two and simply watch your bank account increase exponentially? No not at all, and there is certainly a good deal of pain in making something amazing happen There\\u2019s a lot of lip service paid to the value of going the extra mile, doing a little more, over-delivering and a host of other tired old expressions. There isn\\u2019t a whole lot of discussion on the value of suffering, which trumps all the other aforementioned areas combined. If you want to achieve something outstanding and get results you never got before, you\\u2019re going to have to suffer. You will have to go against your inner voice that tells you to hold back, stay in the routine you\\u2019re comfortable with and play it safe. Do you have to suffer every single moment? Absolutely not. But make no mistake about it, to get from where you are to where you want to be you\\u2019re going to have to suffer. To get what you\\u2019ve never gotten before you must do what you\\u2019ve never done before. And doing what you\\u2019ve never done before often is somewhere between uncomfortable and downright painful. So if you ever hear someone say the words to you "If it is that easy then everybody would be doing it" just smile at them and know that they will be saying those very same words for the rest of their lives. That comfort blanket is very hard to throw off once you have started wrapping it around you.'