Published: May 3, 2019, midnight

b'Five years of podcasting is a hell of a journey for sure.Which is what this show today is all about.You see on the 3oth April 2014 an unknown chap from the UK powered up his microphone and went live to the world.He was scared.He was excited.And he was most definitely extremely naive about what it took to create a successful podcast and online business for sure.You see the world is full of people who look like they have it made.They post pictures onto the social media streams showing you how great their lives are.They tell you that you can have it too if you only want it enough.However they don\'t then tell you that it\'s taken them five years simply to get to that position in the lives.Five years...who wants to wait that long to get the dream?How The Dots Joined Up In Five YearsThe biggest mistake I made five years ago was thinking that things would take six months.If I only put a million percent of effort in everyday I would get where I wanted to be quickly.But that isn\'t how life is it?If you get a Ferrari out on the roads of Britain, just because it can go 200 miles an hour doesn\'t mean it ever will.The potential to get there faster is not ever going to be achieved no matter how much you try.That is the same in business, and you have to accept that five years might be a better target to set.Five years is not a long time in the great scheme of things, if your life changes to the dream-life that you want.As they say "An entrepreneur is someone who will work like nobody else for five years, so they can live like nobody else for the rest of their life"So lesson number one: Work hard but don\'t force it.Lesson Number Two Learned Through The DotsI certainly never considered my health before I started Join Up Dots.I never needed to as it was always something that I had.Five years ago before the show, I worked in an office where I started at 8:00am and left at 4:00pm daily.It wasn\'t hard at all.It was very very boring, but could never be classed as hard so my health was good.Roll on a few years and the effort that I was putting into Join Up Dots was a very different story altogether.Hour upon hour of effort and toil took its toll on me and the health gave way.I started quite honestly to fall to pieces and it took me years to get myself back on track again.Back to Ferrari story, you cant work harder than your problems no matter what you think.You have to be clever and find away around those issues in the easiest way possibleFive Years On Where Am I Heading?That is the exciting part of working on a project like Join Up Dots.You can literally go in any direction you want to head in.Do you want more money to come into your life?Then make that happen.How about having more and more listeners and a global following?The same for that too.It might have been five years in the making but once you find your passion then you dont consider the years.You dont think "Wow this has taken five years what a struggle"Instead you think "It doesn\'t matter that five years has past I am just getting going"That is the real lesson everything that I have learned up to this point.You are on a journey throughout your life and there is no time limits to set.Five years, fifty years, one hundred years...its all the same.Thank you so much for anyone who reads this post or who listens to the Join Up Dots podcast.We would love to hear from you with your comments, or inspirational stories.Simply click here and we will connect.If you want to be a guest on the show then also simply click here'