Five Stages To Success

Published: May 24, 2019, midnight

b'When we\'re young, we have an amazing positive outlook about how great life is going to be. But somewhere along the line we forget to dream and end up settling. Join Up Dots features amazing people who refuse to give up and chose to go after their dreams. This is your blueprint for greatness. So here\'s your host live from the back of his garden in the UK David Ralph Yes. Hello there. Good morning to you. Good morning to you and welcome to the Join Up Dots business coaching podcast. Is it a podcast? Is it a radio show? Is it I don\'t know what it is? I don\'t know what it is. But I\'ll tell you the audience what I\'ve been doing. Ive been doing a lot of work behind the scenes of join up dots. A lot of people that run podcast, really focus in on iTunes and Stitcher and all the directories where you guys can just dip in and find your favorite hosts. And for many years, I did that. And I got a really good audience. But now I\'m doing it through Google as well. And I\'m really working hard on getting the SEO right on the show and exponential growth. That\'s what it\'s about. And if you are running a podcast out there, and you\'re finding that you\'re getting a small audience, but they\'re not interacting with you. You really got to think about doing it. Like a proper business. Don\'t just think, "Oh, I just throw a show up on to a website somewhere. And it\'s job done." Oh, no, you\'ve got to work both sides. So anyhow, that\'s what I\'ve been doing this week. I have been doing SEO, Search Engine Optimization on all my shows, and I\'ve done about what 400 of them. It\'s like pulling teeth, but you sort of get into a routine and if you are me you need to do something else. I can\'t do this all day. And that\'s the beauty of Join Up Dots, of course I can walk away and do whatever I want. So how are you? How are you guys? Are you loving life? Are you all happy? Are you happy out there? The DJ need a hug? Do you need Mr Ralph to send these arms out like Mr. Tickle and wrap them around you? Do you remember Mr. Tickle when you as a kid? The orange Mr. Man with really long arms. I used to find it a bit creepy. There was two things in my life, that I found creepy when I was a little kid. Well three actually, you\'re going to go back to the 70s to get there. So a lot of this won\'t mean anything to anyone young. But one was Mr. Tickle. Because he\'s long arms could come in wherever he wanted and do stuff to you. He was like a sort of a long armed Jimmy Saville, I suppose. shouldn\'t have said that. But there you go. It\'s on a podcast is out there. The second one were like these straws called Humphries. They used to be red and white striped straws, it sounds pathetic now, but they used to nick your milk. And they used to say "Watch out, watch out. There\'s a Humphrey about" And these pink and white straws used to sort of bounce up and down. If you remember that from the 70s. And I haven\'t just gone mad, then drop me a line at join up or come over to the website and say "Yes, I remember the Humphreys and they had the same effect." And of course, the last one which I think a there isnt one person out there who wasn\'t freaked about this, was the child catcher from teacher Chitty Bang Bang. With the long nose and the creepy kind of tippy toe way that he used to move around and sniff. I think everybody has had that in their life. And you know, that\'s really scary. Because you look back on it now and you think why is it scary? My son\'s actually doing a media course and he\'s creating his own film. It\'s a horror film, and he\'s trying to do it by putting the creepy stuff in. That\'s not gratuitous. So it\'s not like stabbings and horrible things. And one of the things we were talking about the other day is why are Nursery Rhymes sung slowly creepy. Why is that creepy? I have no idea. Once again, if you know the answer, send data to me. Well, this week, I\'ve received two or three different emails through. And we\'ve got How many? We got three questions here. So it\'s not gonna be a long show today. Because it\'s bank holiday weekend and you want to get out into pub gardens and live your life. But of course, I will come. I\'m a podcaster I have to be prepared for you. Monday morning. Okay, it\'s pre recorded already. But no, I will be here live on Monday morning. And you will get a show. I promise you. So anyhow, these are the three questions. \\xa0 Question One "Okay. Hi, David. I\'m a oral hygienist in Colombia. I listen to your show every day in Colombia. I would love to start my own business instead of working for someone else. Do you think that this is a good idea?" \\xa0 Answer One Well, I of course think this business is brilliant. Now, I started thinking about it two ways recently. Now I\'m teaching a guy, I won\'t give his business idea away, but a guy called Martin Gardner. And he is a guy from the Midlands of England. And so he talks a bit funny, he, he\'s got a bit of a funny voice. But other than that, he\'s a lovely, lovely guy. And one of the things that I\'ve started to realize is, no matter what businesses that you create, if you learn how to grow traffic, you\'ve got two wins. You can either drive it into your own business and create money. Or you can take traffic away from other people, and then send it back to them. So for example, shops and businesses, especially the local ones are historically poor, at web manipulation, and search engine optimization. So they throw up a website, and basically hope what they can get is enough to actually pay their bills. Now, I\'m teaching Martin to create this business. And we\'re really excited about it, because this is gonna be a big one. But I\'m absolutely convinced he\'s going to change his life, as has all the other businesses that we\'ve created this year. There hasn\'t been one, that weve done through Join Up Dots. Well, I don\'t actually think through the process of working it out with the client. But I should do this, I might jump on to this first, this is a great idea. And so we\'ve got them banging out left, right and center. Anyhow, it dawned on us, that he could actually build a business himself, or sit away from it and actually just be a middleman driving traffic through to other people\'s businesses. So they\'re getting more leads, they\'re getting more money into their businesses, through the skills from Martin gardener with a funny voice has got in his own. So if you are anoral hygienist, Mateo, I would say to you, youve got two ways of going. You can either be back and build a business where you are that person, and it\'s coming into your life. Or you can become the oral hygienist web traffic expert, and learn the ways online to drive the traffic for that type of job to other people. And when you make money from it, you sit in an office basically, and you are the manager of the traffic. So I do think that you are right on your money to start thinking about working for yourself because that is where the money is. Don\'t work for someone else where you\'re giving it all away. Or they\'re taking the bulk of it anyway, do it for yourself. But that\'s why I\'m thinking now guys, two ways. Do you want to be part of the business? Or do you want to be a facilitator for other people\'s businesses? And once you understand the online concept, and it really is kind of simple once you really understand it, you\'ve got double options. You can look at it and think do I provide leads to other people\'s businesses? Or do I bring it into my own? I probably do both Really? That way you make lots and lots of oodles and oodles and oodles and oodles. Right okay, a second email and I like the first four words it says "David Ralph you sexy legend that always gets to my eyes" \\xa0 Question Two "David Ralph you sexy legend. I don\'t know if you will get to see this question or your elves will whisk it away before your eyes ever see it? Funnily enough, I\'ve just seen it. However, I\'ve been building a consulting business over the last five years and it\'s going very well. Well done to us is from Jeannie Jeannie chambers. Oh, little Genie. Got so much love little Genie. Remember that from Elton John. Now I\'m getting to, I\'m going to be 50 next year. So a lot of things I talk about are rooted, rooted in the past. So what\'s Jeannie doing? Yes, she pays all her bills. I have a steady if not consistent stream of customers. I can\'t complain. I bet you do. I bet you sit there having a little moan down here. You know, I bet you, bet you do. Anyway. However, of course I want more and more and more greedy Jeannie. Okay, and work less and less and less double greedy Jeannie. Now, is this possible? Or do I need to start hiring staff which worries me? I don\'t like the idea of losing what money I\'m earning paying someone else\'s salaries. Any suggestions? pS Did I tell you that you are very, very attractive. Although you tell us that yourself with a smiley face. I don\'t do that do I, it\'s just you know, I sit on my own a lot. I need adulation. And if you\'re not getting adulation from people, you build it into your own life. Keep up the great work Jeannie chambers. \\xa0 Answer Two Oh, little Jeannie. Why Okay, um, you have a steady, if not consistent stream of customers, that generally happens that it means you\'re not making the most of the traffic that you\'re getting through to your business. There\'s three stages of traffic control, first of all, you got to grow it, then you\'ve got to keep the traffic, and then you\'ve got to monetize it. And it\'s pretty much those three ways. Most people will struggle on all of them at certain parts of the business process. And just recently, I\'ve had quite a big problem with actually\\xa0making people commit to what they said they would do. Okay, so people would come along and go, "Yeah, I want to sign up for you, I want to do this, I want to do that." And then you wouldn\'t hear from them at all. So now I commit them to 25%. So they pay up 25%. And then whenever they want to come back throughout the year when they\'re ready for it pay the rest of it, and then we\'re ready to work with them. So that was something that I resolved where people were saying, "Yeah, I want to do this", I mean, you wouldn\'t hear from them at all. So you\'re not going to be spending money on staff, but isn\'t ultimately going to be bringing back into your business if you get them to do the right things. So one of the things you\'ve got to do is make sure that that steady stream becomes the consistent stream. So if you\'re paying someone, for example, to do pa and administration, then Yeah, that\'s probably going to take the money out of your bank account. And yes, it will make your life easier, but won\'t make more money. If you bring somebody on who is an expert at lead generation, and email marketing and that kind of stuff, Jeannie, then it\'s going to gain, it\'s gonna gain you can\'t hold back from the fact. If you\'re using somebody to plug the gaps in your business, you\'re going to bring more incoming. Now if you look at Join Up Dots its a podcast, but it\'s also a business coaching platform. At the beginning. It wasn\'t it was just a podcast. So I was podcasting, podcasting, podcasting and not gaining anything from it. Then I got to a point I thought, what actually can I teach people. I can teach people how to do podcasting. And so I started doing that, that was very up and down, until I realized that it\'s not what you\'re selling. Its the results that you\'re giving. So with a podcast, anyone can do it, you just turn on the microphone, you start recording it, and you push it out. That is not what people want. What people want is how to make a living from it, how to do it fast, how to get listeners how to transition those listeners, from listeners into paying clients. That\'s actually part of the process, which you need to bring into your consulting process. So it\'s not what you\'re teaching them, it\'s the results that they\'re getting. So if you\'re not demonstrating both at the front end, you\'re not going to get enough people coming through because I won\'t see how it out. It really benefits them. It\'s got to be what you\'re output gives them that they can\'t get anywhere else. So that\'s one of the things that I would look at Jeannie, I would look at how is your branding of your business? Is it actually emphasising the final results? Or is it just telling them what you do, if it\'s all about you, it\'s not going to work, if it\'s about them, and how their life is going to change. For example, everything I do for Join Up Dots now is about finding ways of making making money online stress free. So that you guys can have a stress free life. So it used to be about I will teach you best and then whatever. And it didn\'t really appeal to people because they don\'t really care about SEO, they don\'t really care about, you know, website design. They don\'t care about branding. But they do care about sitting on the sofa Monday morning when everybody else is going to work because incomes just flooding into their life, stress free. So everything that I\'ve done, has pivoted to be able to say yes, that is what I offer. That is what I can provide to the world. And that is why my business is growing once again, exponentially. I\'m teaching people to get the results that they want in their life as easily as possible. So don\'t be worried about paying someone else\'s salaries. But think about it. Are you paying those salaries to plug the gaps in your business? Where those leakage is? If you\'re struggling in certain areas, find the expert that can solve that. Ask them to prove it. If you go over to Upwork or LinkedIn, they\'re all going to say they can do it. Ask to speak to people that they work with. If they don\'t do that, then they\'re not worth working with. Make sure that they\'ve got a track record. And then Believe me, Jeannie, you will get the value back into your business. It\'s the easy way of doing it. Okay, and be last question. \\xa0 Question Three Last question is from Jack Wilshere. Not that Jack Wilshere from the ex arsenal? And now West Ham player who only plays four minutes a day. It probably is. It probably is Jack Wilshere because he\'s not doing anything. Now, quick question for you. If you could list five things that will stop success. What do you think they are? This is for homework I\'m doing for high school. Thank you. If you answer Jack Wilshere, up in Iowa. \\xa0 Answer Three Okay, so you\'re probably not the West Ham United Jack Wilshere. Okay, five things that will stop success. Right. Okay, off the top of my head. Lack of persistence. So you you give up when it gets hard. When it gets hard, you\'ve got to think your way around it. Okay. So that\'s the lack of persistence. Secondly, I would say be clever where you\'re thinking, as I say, think around the problem. Don\'t just bulldoze your way through it. Because you know, there is an easy route past all obstacles, you\'ve just got to sit back and think things through. That leads to the next one, which I would say is leave your business behind. walk away from it, give yourself weeks off, you will be so much better off because the ideas will come to you. The easy ways you\'ll be able to see the wood for the trees. So that\'s three: persistence, thinking around a problem, walking away from it, turning turning up, yeah, if you say you\'re going to do something, do it. It\'s like the other night, I had about 45 people lined up for a webinar, I was doing where I teach you basically what internet strategies are and how you can take your business. And you can quite simply get rid of all the effort and all the marketing and all the stuff that you haven\'t got control of. Bring it to an area that you have got control of you\'ve got the data, which means that you can find the right customers, you know that they\'re going to pay you and you can just sort of work accordingly. Now I had a Yeah, about 43 to 45 people booked, the same sequence went out, telling them there\'s two days to it, there\'s one day to it, is half hour to it, you know, one person turned up. Lovely guy from Berlin called Rob. And I did it just for him. And the two of us just walked through the process, step by step by step. And that used to wind me up when I used to think " Why do you book and then not turn up? But now I know that those kind of people that do that, they\'re not going to get what they want anyway, because they don\'t turn up for something, if you say you\'re going to do it, you do it. And if you\'re flaky, and at the last minute you fancy something else in a business, you\'re going to find that in those kind of situation, a period of time when you\'ve got something better you want to do. But you can\'t do that you\'ve got to do what needs to be done. So turn up. And the last one is dream bigger than you could possibly think. Okay, when you start you dream, just what you think is possible. Now, I was talking to a guy yesterday and I said to him, what you need to do is aim for 10 grand. 10 grand is what each client will pay me. 10 grand!!! I said yeah, easily what you know, your backstory, your history, your knowledge, you can do 10 grand each time, and you will sell that. And literally you could see in his eyes, he couldn\'t perceive it, he was so trapped in what he was used to, he couldn\'t see that 10 grand was just the starting point. So get images around you get it all set up. But dream bigger, you can possibly think if you\'re aiming, you know, join up dots at the moment. I get 160,000 people, I\'m listening to it, which in podcasting land is very, very good. I\'m aiming for a million. Now, I don\'t know if I\'m ever going to get a million a month. But I know it\'s possible because I know other people do it. Or at least they say they do it. So that\'s what I\'m aiming for. I\'m aiming for bigger than I possibly know how to do at the moment, and just keep on working towards it. So that\'s your answer, Jack, hopefully that\'s going to be useful for your successful your high school. And I think that works for everybody. So what did I say? Persistence? Think around the problem. Walk away from your business, give yourself a chance to refresh, turn up, make sure that you\'re committed to something. And what was the last one the last one was dream bigger dream bigger than you could possibly hope for? Okay, so that was the Friday show, the Friday show, the Friday show. That\'s the Friday show. So thank you so much for Jack Wilshere, the ex West Ham and Arsenal player. I think that you made Jeannie Jeannie and Mateo, the hygienist and thank you for all of you who\'ve dropped those questions through the emails. And every single one of you think about it today. Think about it. If you want to start a business, or your better doing the business or providing business for other people is a good one that and so you could sit on a laptop anywhere you could be in Bora Bora on an island, driving traffic to your business but be new field off to somebody else. It\'s a great business model where you get the profits but you don\'t get any of the issues. And once you get to that point where it\'s running on its own, you\'ve been hire a PA to manage it for you. And it\'s 100% passive income is a real good way of building a business. Until next time, thank you so much for being here to every single one. If you see some long arms come through your window that\'s not me. That\'s That\'s Mr. Tickle. And until next time, we\'ll see you again Look after yourselves. Thank you so much anybody need my help drop me a line at join up Datsun Look out for the next webinar where I\'ll be teaching you once again how to take a business away from the lack of control into a stress free pleasure that builds income into your life. And anything else we\'ve got going on and join up dogs come over to the website and I will see you again soon. Look up yourselves and see ya. Bye bye David doesn\'t want you to become a faded version of the brilliant self you are wants to become. So he\'s put together an amazing guide for you called the eight pieces of advice that every successful entrepreneur practices, including the two that changed his life. Head over to join to download this amazing guide for free and we\'ll see you tomorrow on join up dots.'