Fitness For Hackers with Ryan Kulp

Published: April 8, 2020, midnight

b'Introducing Ryan Kulp Today\'s guest joining us on the Join Up Dots podcast, is an expert on StartUps and a founder of many of them too. He\'s the founder of\\, along with over a dozen other startups (he\'s a serial entrepreneur and developer/ hacker). He is now publishing his latest book "Fitness for Hackers" which shows his story from a bit flabby to a lean mean fighting machine As he says "After years of struggling with my weight, I finally cracked the code to achieving a high level of personal fitness - and it had nothing to do with science, working out every day, or cardio. In this book, told through the lens of a software developer\\u2019s approach to health, you\\u2019ll learn simple strategies that build the habits required to look great, without giving up. How The Dots Joined Up For Ryan He\'s a prolific (and successful by all measurable accounts) marketer and entrepreneur, and\\xa0 can say a thing or two about business, marketing, entrepreneurship, side-hustling, startups, bootstrapping a biz, and of course health. But even more interesting for me, is that he if a full time traveller, and has since 2019 \\xa0launched\\xa0courses, started teaching himself to speak Korean, wrote a book, and travelled\\xa0to ~15 countries, in 2020 he is travelling full-time, surfing, and investing in real estate. So what with the current corona virus pandemic tearing through the world, how does this make a full time traveller achieve his aim? And looking back at everything he now does, was it a given? A series of well formed dots, or a totally different story altogether? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the only and only Ryan Kulp Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty subjects with Ryan Kulp such as: Ryan shares how he never plays up the flexibility of being an online nomad, due to the mass of restrictions that come everyday. We discuss how the concept of lifework balance does not truly exist in life, and why Ryan has a contra view to most Why racking up skills that other people dont have is so important to build a future, but you don\'t necessarily. and lastly........ Ryan shares his steps to a fit life,\\xa0 that works with your own environment and lifestyle and shouldn\'t be a major hardship.'