
Published: May 7, 2017, midnight

b'Think you know fitness? Well todays guest is a lady with more energy, than the most energised person you can think off. Yep, think of the person you know the most who runs, leaps, and bounds out of bed earlier than anyone, and they will look like a couch potato compared to this lady. In the last few years she has completed the 3 Peaks Challenge, Adventure racing in Borneo, Cycled London to Paris in 24 hours, Cycled London to Amsterdam in 48 hours, Completed The 3 Peaks Cycle Challenge (cycling 430 miles and climbing the 3 highest peaks in the UK) in 3 days, Learnt how to become an alpine mountaineer, Climbed Mont Blanc And that is just some of the things that has challenged and pushed her onwards to greater and greater successes in her life. I got tired just reading the list out. But like most of us that end up doing amazing things, her life going into the adult working life was anything but remarkable. During college she performed many various tasks within an office environment and due to her boundless enthusiasm and passions for the tasks, moved through the ranks quickly impressing everyone that she met, wherever she worked. Focusing her talents on culture building, start-ups, marketing and being the best that she can be, she thrived in the corporate world. But it was when she moved away from the world of the grey suits, that she has expanded her impressive resume of doing the things least expected and doing them better than most As she says \\u201cI believe that it is through challenging ourselves that we stretch our limits, break down barriers and realise we can achieve far more than we think. We raise the bar of what we expect from ourselves, develop confidence, resilience and drive and go out to achieve more across all areas of life. This is what has happened to me and I\\u2019m on a mission to give you the inspiration and tools to be the very best you can be and get the most out of your life.\\u201d So how did she manage to overcome the fears that hold so many of us back as we look to having rich and fulfilling experiences in our lives? And how has she managed to become so supremely fit, in so many different areas, and still keep on having the passion for more? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots, the one and only Sophie Radcliffe. Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics such as: How as a child she always had a passion for being dirty, running around and wanting more than she was getting in her life. The fires were always burning within her. Why she states \\u201cThat you have to make bold, inspired decisions, and have courage if you want to change your situation\\u201d Why she thinks it is madness that so many companies allow their most inspiring, motivational and driven members of staff to just quit and walk away\\u2026\\u2026.and I am in total agreement of this. How we must allow ourselves downtime to recharge both the body and the mind to come back stronger. We are just human batteries after all. And lastly\\u2026\\u2026 Why everything in life is simply a case of taking babysteps towards the future you want. If you do something everyday you will make progress.'