Finding The Meaning Of Ikigai

Published: April 20, 2022, midnight

b'Peter Sena is todays guest joining us on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots podcast. Pete is a design-led entrepreneur who loves to partner with future-forward founders, entrepreneurs, and business leaders to unlock new possibilities and growth. At nine years old, Pete was the kind of kid who found taking computers apart and putting them back together fun. A digital native on steroids, \\u201cPete the Geek\\u201d started coding at 13, consulted for global companies in high school, and launched Digital Surgeons from his dorm room. Digital Surgeons, a forward-obsessed brand experience consultancy. But what is being forward-obsessed all about. He chooses to place his passionate, purpose-driven focus on leveraging the power of design and technology to make the world a better place. This is Pete\\u2019s Ikigai \\u2014 the thing that gets him out of bed in the morning. As he says \\u201cMy heart would always would start beating faster when it came to art and technology. How The Dots Joined Up For Pete My coding and design skills became my ticket to college. Ready for a mentor but not sure how to find one, I turned to geniuses, innovators and billionaires both real \\u2014 Steve Jobs \\u2014 and fictional, like my old favourite, Tony Stark (Iron Man) for inspiration. But the one thing i knew more than anything was by improving people\\u2019s businesses and increasing their bottom-lines with next-level design, I could help people and organizations build affluence and influence \\u2014 so they can pay their success forward. \\u200d Helping as many people and businesses as possible use their power for good. So why has he been driven so much to help the world, when so many business owners are all about me, me, me? And what was it about a talk by the pretty unknown Brene Brown that truly changed his life forever? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr Pete Sena'