Finding Faith

Published: March 20, 2017, midnight

b'My guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots free podcast interview is a lady who had a rather profound realization when only small. When she was a young girl she remembers telling her parents that sometimes "I feel as if I can leave my body and experience the world from a bird\\u2019s eye perspective." As she says "Sometimes I\\u2019d feel crazy for feeling other people\\u2019s pain and sometimes I had visions that not many took seriously \\u2013 maybe not even myself." This was of course an amazing talent to have but for a small child and one growing up lead to constant turmoil within her. After a time of rebellion, she found that these feelings needed an adults perspective to really form who she is and over the past years she has developed a successful business by travelling all over to share her enlightening message of creating a powerful relationship with your true self and of trusting your own intuition. Her passion is to support young adults create, live and transform their lives by understanding the scientific and spiritual connections between their heart and brain, by discovering their unique and magical gifts hidden within and by knowing how we connect with others. She not only Joins up the dots between people, but also the dots that lie within....truly powerful stuff. So is this a talent that most of us have although we either disregard it, or let it fall into disrepair as we grow? And is it a simple as saying "Be Aware of your feelings and emotions as this is where the dots truly start to show themselves? Well let\'s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots, with the one and only Isabel Hundt. Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with Isabel Hundt such as: Why so many of us have the power of empathy in our lives as young kids, and why we are programmed to feel so disconnected from these feelings. Isabel shares how the ability to leave her body, took up so much energy and how she learnt to manage this to positive effect. Why she heard so many people telling her that she shouldn\'t or couldn\'t be doing these things in her life.... and managed to keep the belief to keep on going. Why we should never work towards getting the breakthrough in life, as more often than not the breakthrough will come when we least expect it. Just do the work. and lastly\\u2026. How she had a dream as a twelve year old which showed her that she needed to move to the US and what she was going to do in her adult life.....and that vision lead her to where she is today.'