Finding A Gap In Insurance

Published: Aug. 3, 2020, midnight

b"Shane Foss is today's guest joining us on the inspired Join Up Dots business podcast. With over 20 years of tenure as an executive in the medical industry, Shane Foss became frustrated with how under-served Americans were with the current healthcare options. He set out to make a change and in 2018 achieved this goal through launching Hooray Health, an unconventional health insurance company dedicated to providing affordable basic and urgent health care alternatives to high-deductible health plans. Through Hooray Health, Foss and his team focus on offering peace of mind to lower-income individuals and families who face medical challenges, while also providing business owners with an affordable way to reward and retain employees. \\xa0 How The Dots Joined Up For Shane Partnering with companies like Sedera, Ameritas, and Aflac, they have be able to add critical services and supplemental plans giving immense value to employers and individuals. Throughout his professional experience, Foss has negotiated complex, multi-million-dollar contracts, worked in device sales management, created business strategies, and optimized P&L. He holds an MBA from Rice University\\u2019s, Jone\\u2019s School of Business, a BS from the University of the Incarnate Word, and a Surgical Technologist Certificate from the United States Air Force. So why did Obama Care never get off the ground, when it seemed certainly from this side of the pond such a good idea. And what should people do if they cant afford the payments each month, especially when times like Covid-19 Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots, with the one and only Shane Foss. \\xa0 Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with Shane Foss such as: Shane shares the complexities of starting a business in the medical field and the steps he took to ensure success. We discuss the haunting period which takes a business from idea to the real world. Shane talks about the moment that he sat with friends and family, and the surprising support he received. And lastly\\u2026.. Why its such an amazing idea to think about solving a problem for yourself and then see if you can scale it."