Female entrepreneurs

Published: May 6, 2014, 4:01 a.m.

b'Todays interview is with an entrepreneur, author, and motivational powerhouse. Yes she is a remarkable lady forsure. Not content with helping thousands of people break free from their corporate jobs and start their own businesses, she is also an entrepreneur,coach and speaker who speaks from the heart with a passion that cannot be rivaled.As she says:"Entrepreneurship at its heart is aligning your purpose for being on earth with a business idea so compelling that you simply must do it, despite the fears that hold you back." And those fears that we all have, do not seem to have held her back at all\\u2026.or perhaps they have.From a young age, she has taken a path that perhaps was unexpected.Traveling the world, learning to speak four languages, and even teaching martial arts to former gang members, she has a story that needs to be told.In 2014 she has just released her latest book "Body of Work Finding the Thread that Ties Your Career Together", which follows on from her other bestseller "Escape From Cubicle Nation". Although if you have just stumbled across this show in five years time, she has just released her 17th book, and been played by Meryl Streep in the film of her life.It seems to me that the ability to overcome ones fear and create, instigate, and encourage is core to our guests success in life.If we can all tackle things head on like she has then\\u2026\\u2026.we all have a chance to live a life that we dreamt it would be. So join with me as I introduce, the amazing, and motivational Pamela Slim For more information about Pamela Slim and the Escape From Cubicle Podcast go to. Podcast: Escape From Cubicle Nation Podcast Description: Escape From Cubicle Nation Podcast provides advice, support and encouragement to help corporate break out and start their own business.'