Felicity Aston MBE - Antartica Explorer And Adventurer

Published: Aug. 10, 2020, 9:30 a.m.

b'I have been looking forward to todays show for awhile now, as I am fascinated by what makes people push out of their comfort zones and literally go to the extreme of that point. Why do people feel driven to drag themselves across climates that not only are very uncomfortable, but can actually kill you. And thrive whilst doing it. And todays guest is someone who is driven to do that kind of thing time and time again. She is a writer, speaker and adventurer and inspiration to everyone that she meets in the world, who love to live her life through the stories she tells. But what is also amazing to me time and time again, is to see how some of the smallest things in life can have the biggest influences on us. Her first \'expedition\' involved being bribed up an English Mountain at the age of nine by her parents with a packet of Opal Fruits. The key words were to that statement was it all started with a bribe of sweets, but the sense of achievement on reaching the top, and standing there in the pouring rain was the first step towards where she is today. And where she is today is being recognised as the first woman in the world to ski across Antarctica alone, awarded the MBE by British Royalty, and someone who seeks out irresistible challenges and captivating stories in the planet\'s wildest and most extraordinary places. And now from her base in Iceland she is scheming for more and more experiences that she can tackle head on, much to the delight of the rest of us. So how did she go from thinking "That was exciting" to "I can make a living out of this"? And does she see that deep inside all of us is a desire for adventure and challenge, but for whatever reasons we hold back on it as we can quite believe that she should do it? Well lets find out, as we bring onto the show to start joining up the dots with Felicity Aston MBE.'