
Published: July 24, 2017, midnight

b'Fear, fear and more more fear is what we discuss with my guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots free podcast interview. He iss a man that i am proud to call a friend. Im not sure he would say the same about me, but I guess we will discover this through the show. He is the head honcho at Natural Born Coaches, where he supports, nurtures and sometimes gives a kick to coaches across the world who need a little help in building their businesses. And what I love about this guest, as you will see in the show it looks like he has really found his thing in life and looks like it was always on the cards. But as he says "After a decade of success in my past life (real estate,) I went through business closure and challenges that would have caused most to give up. How did I get back on track? With the help of coaches! After years of being a lone wolf, and being proud of \\u201cgoing it alone,\\u201d I experienced the power of coaching first-hand, and it really made a difference. So when I was ready to go back into business, I knew that I wanted to be a coach. I wanted to help others like I\\u2019d been helped. I dove in and became a coach, and discovered what every new coach learns when he gets into this business \\u2026 it\\u2019s not easy! Jumping into the coaching business (for small business owners), he created the programs that he would use with his clients, established systems, printed business cards, launched his website, a blog, the social media, and waited for clients to start beating down his door. They didn\\u2019t! So he started prospecting harder every day. By reaching out to people in his target market, he got consultations and some clients (but too many that I was working with at discounted rates, or even worse, for free!). It was a frustrating situation. So when I finally got it rolling, I knew that I didn\\u2019t want other coaches to go through the same growing pains that I did." And now with his podcast rolling into the 500 plus episodes, and people now beating down his door for coaching advice, does he look back and think "Man, I made it truly hard for myself!" And what was the key that finally opened the door to get the whole things going? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots once more, with the one and only Mr Marc Mawhinney. Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with Marc Mawhinney such as: Why Marc feels that it is great to start building communities as soon as you possibly can, as its easy to do, very cheap, and builds connections like wildfire. Why there is a right way and wrong way to reach out to people, and the big two mistakes that Marc believes that everyone keeps on making. Keep Moving Forward is such a powerful mantra for life, for entrepreneurs and for anyone wanting a new future. There is nothing that will stop you 100% in your tracks...just keep moving forward. and lastly\\u2026. Why Marc feels that so many coaches need to get over their own personal fears and issues before they start marketing their own services to the world. You can\'t hide behind a glossy website if you haven\'t got your own act together.'