Faith And Action

Published: Oct. 25, 2021, midnight

b"Faith and action is demonstrated big time in today's episode of Join Up Dots. We share a story that is the catalyst for everything that we do in Join Up Dots. One man shares how he has found the happiness in his life not by going after the money, but instead the meaning. He realised that there was no point trying to earn a great living for himself and his family if he was dead in side. David Ralph also shares his new business ventures which are spurning forth due to the understanding that online ventures work by sticking to simplicity. Also on the cards is sharing why a re-branding of a listeners business has been such an important part of the business puzzle Lets get on with the show Full Transcription Of The Faith And Action Podcast Episode Intro 0:00 When we're young, we have an amazing positive outlook about how great life is going to be. But somewhere along the line we forget to dream and end up settling. Join Up Dots features amazing people who refuse to give up and chose to go after their dreams. This is your blueprint for greatness. So here's your host live from the back of his garden in the UK. David Ralph. David Ralph 0:25 Yes, hello there. Good morning to you. Good morning, one and all. And welcome to Join Up Dots. I hope you are well. I hope everybody is reaching out for the dream reaching out for those obstacles and smashing then to pieces. Because honestly, you move through the obstacles and I know obstacles are hard. That's what they are called obstacles. Well, I don't know why they called obstacles. But they they're bloody great big things that are hard to move. Sometimes they are physical. Sometimes they're mental. Sometimes they're a combination of both. But you How do you get mounted and Ben, it's sort of easier and the more obstacles you get past the the easier life becomes. And honestly, I mean, if you've listened to Join Up Dots over the last seven years or so, you know, I've been very transparent about hard times the difficult times that I've been proven. I actually went in to speak to my wife, my wife had a terrible hangover this morning. It's her own fault drinking on a school night, and I was in the shower. And I actually thought to myself, David you are looking healthy, you're looking pretty damn fine at the moment because it was a phase I went through but I spoken about where I had acute burnout. And I had big bags under my eyes, brass rings under my eyes, and I just looked kind of just drawn and grey. And it just dawned on me this morning that that the bags have kind of disappeared and that the hair is back and I'm just feeling damn good. And that is because because I have moved through the obstacles that difficulties and now I've got a life that for many people is a dream. And I suppose it's a dream for me. But you know what it's like when you when you live your life, you kind of don't think it's a dream because it's just your life. But I know, I know, looking at it from other people's points of view, but it's a dream. Now I just wanted to start off with saying a couple of words. I want to say hello again to Jackie Baker. Now, if you remember last week, I did a show about the south coast dinner society, a lovely lady who has launched her own business and I kind of dissected a few things and told her that she needed to focus in on site speed because everything's on mobile now. And she also has to focus in on making it look good and look a bit sexy, but people are landing on mobile and I spent about an hour an hour and 10 minutes or so with last night. We connected On the zoom, and I gave her some pointers. And we're going to change the name, we're going to change the name of our business, we're going to get it more focused on the branding, because once you get branding, right, once people understand instantly what you do, then all your content and all your videos and your podcasts or wherever you do kind of makes sense. You hang it on that thing. And as I always say to people, my business is online business made easy, because I totally believe that people out there doing things the wrong way, they're making it far too difficult for themselves, spending too much time twisting around on Facebook and Instagram, where you should be thinking about the audience that's already looking for, you know, their little mobile phones, they're sitting on their little tablets and keyboards, and they're typing and they're looking for your business. So instead of trying to go for people that don't really care, look for the people that are already typing away and when you will win. So Jackie Baker, thank you So much for spending time with me last night. And God she likes to talk I had to cut off numerous times, because I thought I'd be here for about four days, but she was a delight. And hopefully we will connect again. So yeah, go over to the south coast in a society and have a look at the work she's doing. Because she is a lady where the passion is following through to make things great for her. Now, actually, when I did that podcast, what was it a week ago, I realised that I'm actually a full time owner of a car spares business, so her car spares and auto parts business, and I've been a part member for about 20 years. And over the last sort of six months or so I took over it full time, because my family are too old. My mom's had a stroke and so I sort of I played around with it. And to be honest, my heart wasn't in it. I like doing Join Up Dots. I like doing this this. This is fun. You know I don't want to work in a shop. Anyway. I'm doing the I'm locked down. I had to close the shop down for eight weeks. And I started thinking about it in different way. And I thought to myself, there's an opportunity here, we've got parts, we've got service, we've got history, I need to put a bit of effort in, but I kind of didn't and, and when you're doing well, in certain regards, you'd kind of think to yourself, well, do I need to do more? Do it. But anyhow, I decided but I would challenge myself. After speaking to Jackie doing that podcast episode and saying that you've got to focus in on mobile, you got to focus in on local search and making things fast. So I started working on it and I have trebled the profits in about a month and a half. When all the other businesses around our area are struggling we are for a while. And it's all about once again, thinking about who's actually looking for me already, and how can I positioned myself in front of him. So we have now got a thriving business again, which is brilliant and it It's given me income to start a caravan rental Park. Well, you know, you've got caravans and Arby's, but you you don't know where to store over the winter or throughout the year? Well, I'm going to open one of those. So I've got a bit of land and I'm going to get that tarmacked over or at least, levelled out in a regard. And then we have maybe 100 caravans stored up on a yearly basis. And once you start to get the flow going, it's quite easy to do these things. Because once again, it's the same thing. You find a value point you look for where people are looking for you, and then you put your product in front of them. And things just become really, really easy. Once you understand online business. Now I speak to loads of people, and I say to them, that it's not about the business you want to do. Just learn about how to do online business, then you've got opportunities, and some people go Yeah, okay, that's fine that I will do it. Other people got no, I really want To do the dream business, I really want to do the thing. And I understand their point of view. But I also think to myself, just learn how it works. And then the opportunities that everywhere, okay? Don't just learn one thing, just learn how to get traffic onto a website to connect via e commerce products or your online or driving it to an offline business. And then you will be rocking and rolling. I promise you, right just before I do a story today Yes, it's gonna be a little story. I just want to say thank you to a couple of people who have dropped lines in I've got Valley Scentsy, from India, and this is from iTunes. And as I say, over the last few weeks, I'm trying to say thank you to people for doing this, because it's really beneficial to a podcast, it really makes a difference. And, and if you're spending a bit of effort, I should say thank you. So many cities from India amazing podcast hosts who brings out the essence what I love about David is his ability to bring out the essence from each person who on the podcast, joining up the dots is an art. It requires a sense of awareness and depth to be able to make this happen. So thank you very much for that. And it's from India and Kate five to 74390 this is I almost feel like I should know this person, but if I do, I can't can't place it. But the reviews is truly inspirational and motivational. David has incredible energy and a great sense of humour. He sees guests very full for questions and ask us all the sticky sort of awkward cheeky questions. But the listener is also thinking but does so in such a light hearted manner, but he never sounds offensive. I look forward to listening to David's podcast every day is a quality guy and offers real honest advice. I wish him all the happiness in the world. Thank you, Kate. And he's inspired so many people to have confidence and follow their dreams highly recommended. So thank you so much for that. Really, you know that. That's what it's all about. That's what Join Up Dots is all about. And it leads me on to a story now. Now, about six years ago, when Join Up Dots was a fledgling podcast, a guy from Alabama, United States connected with me. And I was sitting at my desk, I remember it, you know, really clearly, and a message came in. And it was from this guy who said, David, I've been listening to your podcast, I'd really like to do something I thought totally lost. And I sent a message back and I said, like, if you want to speak, you know, I connect with you. And we did. And it was on Skype, I think it was we connected. And he had a terrible sort of internet connection. So I couldn't see him. So we just did it like old school telephone. And he was sitting in his van, and he was going off to a job that he didn't want to do. And he said, I'm so lost. I'm so unhappy. I don't know. You know, where life's taking me. I seem to be following the money, but the money is not making me happy. And we had a chat and we we chatted a couple of times, maybe two or three times actually. And it turns out that he was sad. insurance for a company and he wasn't a salesman. He loved being out in the sunshine, working with his hands before that he'd worked for a medical company where he was sort of mending the beds and the equipment I seem to remember. So he was very hands driven. And then he decided he would get this job, just because it was paying the big bucks, commission wise, but he wasn't happy. So I spoke to him and I said, Look, Josh Park was his name, I said, Look, you've really got to do something with your hands. It's obvious to me just speaking to you here. You've got to get out. You've got to get out and about, you've got to build a freedom. You're not an office person. you're somebody who needs to get out you need to build out you're constructing something. And so he came up with this idea of, well, we kind of come up with it together. But he was the big push of actually creating a automobile, a car washing service, where he created a kind of filtering in the back of a band so the water would go around and then back And it would clean all the time. And he'd go to people's offices and say to the directors, I will wash all the cars out there every Tuesday if I can have a contract and he started doing best bit work, and it started going quite well, and it was called his name was just park and it was something like parking clean services. You see, it's quite good. you park your car, and he cleans it, you know. And he broke free. But he was finding that he was doing too many hours. It was all down to him all the time. And so he decided that he was going to move to Florida, leave Alabama and go to Florida. And get went down there and carried on his cleaning business. But then he franchised out the one that he left in Alabama to somebody else. So he was making a bit of profit, but he wasn't doing the work. And that was his idea he was going to do this. And anyhow, long story short, I received a message on messenger the other day, and I just want to read it out verbatim because it shows you how You can Join Up Dots and you can find the things that you like, even if it wasn't obvious at the beginning. So you got to remember, Joshua's totally lost. He was obviously wanting to work with his hands. He worked for a medical company, when he started chasing the money for insurance. He was very, very unhappy. Now, this is a message that came through and this isn't, you know, to big me up at all. This is just a nice story that I thought would be good on the show. Just say done, and this was totally out of the blue. I hadn't heard from him for about three or four years. Baby, do you want my heart tonight? I hope life is treating you well. I just wanted to thank you. I'm not a millionaire, and I don't own my own business anymore. But you helped me find what brings me joy. And because of you, I grew the CO owners and started my own business. I appreciate you for having confidence in me when I didn't have confidence in myself. You literally changed my trajectory on life. Life is good. Now. I appreciate you, David. How are you for some reason, I miss you. Even though we haven't met in person. You're still at the A friend. And so I went back to him. I said, Oh, buddy, it's really great to hear from your pal. Funnily enough, I was thinking about you just last night. And I was, I was sort of going through all the people that have come through Join Up Dots. And some of them still connect with me. And some of them were a big part of it, but moved on. And then I don't hear from him anymore. And I said to him, I was musing all the people that have come through the shows, since starting j u DS, as I call it, and how many of them didn't do anything with the help? They had that passion for a little bit, but then they just stopped. And then I thought of you and I actually meant to drop you a line and I thought maybe it's too far back in years now and he won't remember me. So how are you doing? How is Florida? We're hearing stories in the press about the virus surging again. I really hope you and your family are safe and happy. And he came back to me and this this is the real joining up the dots moment. And he came back and he said, David, life is good. Every day. I wake up is a good day. Right? Florida was fun, but after Hurricane Michael Michel, most of us were laid off. So we moved back home to Alabama. And I started working with a friend, repairing and installing hot tubs. Now you gotta remember he was somebody but, you know, had the motivation. He could do things with his hands, he'd already created a kind of water based business washing cars. So this is kind of the next step. He says, the business started booming, and we are in the season of plenty. And I can imagine my wife's always banging on about bloody hot tubs and I say to her, yeah, if you're in Florida, you'd probably use it. You wouldn't use it here, where you get three minutes of good weather a year and the thought of walking up the garden in a swim so it's never going to happen. Anyhow, she moans about it all the time. Now, our family is on the back end of the adoption process, he says and we hope to add another one to the family life is good David and I can't thank you enough for your heart. I've learned that people come and go and the seasons and reasons you held my hand through a difficult time of searching. I appreciate you when we connected I didn't know what I wanted to apply but why had Wasn't it you guided me into a different thinking about how I'm to provide for my families no money. If I'm dead inside my family has money but I work for that money is worthless. money or being rich was never my goal. It was the something more that I was after. I found that with your help and the help from others, the only way to benefit from others is learning action. And by again, I appreciate you, David, you're a friend of mine, but I'm grateful for Well, I'm grateful for him. Because he has found he's been and he's learned that he liked being in business, but he didn't like running a business himself. So he's found a friend. They're supporting each other. He's doing something that is outside, he's doing something that is manual that he enjoys. He's very, very good at it. business started booming and I can imagine hot tubs are really popular at the moment. And he joined up his dots he joined up his dots from working with his hands for a medical company to actually controlling his own Time and he's own business. And every one of you can do that, you know, I've had this car repair shop for years and years and years, never we sort of did much with it. I kind of par for our that somebody else's problem. But when I totally looked at it and thought, right, okay, let's really turn this room. I already had the skills, it was easy. I just looked at him for one, okay, we get these people to come, we get these people to come, we get it all to appear on their mobile phones, our target, mobile six and seven and Apple five, iPod five or whatever they're called, I don't know, iPhone five, iPhone six and seven. Make sure that it's all mobile responsive on their screens, give it a good online store to come through. And it was easy for me, but I couldn't have done it without the six or seven years of other stuff that didn't seem connected. And so if you're out there and you're doing stuff and you know this isn't a business. It is you're in the learning stage at the moment. Gold large Karma, whatever is giving you the skills. So when you make that decision that you really want to go for it, you'll be able to look around and go, I can do this, I can do this really well, then how do I give it to somebody who can't. Now, that's a bit of a journey you got to go on. But it's still very, very powerful to know about the journey that you're on at the moment when you're going to your crappy job or you're on the commute with a mask on, you're thinking, Oh, I don't really like this. It's actually teaching you what you need to get your dream life. You couldn't get it. Otherwise, it's really, really important to do that. So for everybody out there, hopefully you're taking inspiration from Joshua story, and also Jackie Baker from the south coast dinner society that's going to be rebranded soon. And from Kate on iTunes, and the gentleman from India, thank you so much for leaving ratings and reviews. But believe me, every single one of you, it's waiting for you. Just go Do it you just got to do it if you're willing to sit back and wait for somebody else to land it in your, in your lap, never going to happen. If you're waiting to actually make a plan, strategize and go for it, then it's waiting. You're looking after yourself. Have a great weekend. Whatever you're doing, take faith and action and I will be here waiting for you next week. If you've got any positive stories of life changing situations, drop us a line and we'll share them with the world to give them inspiration but I'm gonna be waiting for you because that's what I do. Until next time, see again, Cheers. Bye. Outro 18:34 See ya. Heard the conversation. Now it's time for you to start taking massive action. Create your life. Busy only live. We'll be back again real soon. Join Up Dots Join Up Dots. Join Up Dots. JOHN. The guy Joy, joy Unknown Speaker 19:04 odds"