Facebook Ads

Published: May 6, 2019, midnight

b'Introducing Maggie Tuczapska Facebook Ads is why our guest on today\'s episode of the Join Up Dots podcast is Maggie Tuczapska A lady who for over ten years now has been creating online businesses, and of course income for herself too. Starting her life in Poland, she now lives in the South of England where her eCommerce business develops. As she says "I discovered my big passion when I launched\\xa0my first eCommerce business.\\xa0 It was 2007 and Google bots were still little crawlies. I was fascinated by consumer behaviour and the art of turning visitors into buyers, subscribers and followers. \\xa0 How The Dots Joined Up For Maggie Tuczapska Studying this topic for years, I discovered how to use the right words, colours and images to trigger positive emotions and build trust. After recent Google updates, these skills became essential in ranking well. Great content will always beat even the best marketing strategy. At the end of the day, why attract tons of visitors if none of them become a paying customer? So many people nowadays quote numbers as an indicator of success. This if of course a metric that shows progress, but business is ultimately about the bottom line. There\'s no point in having a billion if you are unable to pay your bills. So is there a huge failing that she sees time and time again when viewing other peoples businesses? And if she could go back in time and do things again then what would she change? Well let\'s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up the dots with the one and only Maggie Tuczapska \\xa0 What Are The Key To Facebook Ads Success? The first thing is dont try it on your own. You will waste money. So hire a Facebook ads expert instead. The second thing is dont try to sell, but instead try to build a relationship. Facebook ads work best by trying to gain a click. Use your Facebook ads strategy to mine data first and foremost. Find out who your ideal customer is by the info you gain. \\xa0 Show Highlights Why it is so important to really focus down on the niche and needs of an individual customer not simply go after the masses. Facebook Ads are an amazing way of targeting the perfect customers. but don\'t go for the sale straight away. Go for the data. Maggie reveals how if her first business wasn\'t a success she might have not considered herself and entrepreneur. And lastly......... The reasons why colour and mood of your online business can kill your chance of success before it even starts.'