Extra Money

Published: Jan. 12, 2018, midnight

b'Extra Money Coming To You Whilst You Sleep Is A Real Dream. In Todays Episode We Show How Anyone Can Achieve Passive Income In todays episode of Join Up Dots we spend time talking about why and if you should build a content based website. Over the last few years, people have become more and more fascinated with having the ability to create extra income for themselves on auto pilot. You go to sleep and wake up richer than you were before. And now with the internet ruling the world, even the smallest individual can dominate major corporations by building small laser targeted niche websites based around a single subject. Now this episode was inspired by a guy called Paul Gray, who dropped us a line into our Facebook Page asking the following question "Hi David, I\'ve been listening to the podcast for the last few months and think it\'s great. Both inspirational and motivational. Just wanted to ask for any advice on starting a holiday website similar to yours. (Although not for Florida keys). Love the idea of the side income potential that, for the most part, would run itself once the initial work has been done. Keep up the great work with the podcast. Thank you, Paul." So we responded to him, and advised that we would record an episode detailing our thoughts on creating extra income in this way. Now as we say, it is reasonably easy to do something like this but it does take some planning. You dont want to start off on the wrong foot and spend your time creating a site, that although of interest to many people is a struggle to monetize. So start by thinking about, what people would pay for, and how easy is it to create a site around that thing? This is what I considered right at the very beginning of creating "Whats At Florida Keys" Would people pay to find out more information regarding this part of America? Well, no they want it for free, but they will pay to book a hotel room, or hire care, go scuba diving or a romantic meal or two. So can you find people that will be willing to pay you some kind of profit by passing leads through to their business? If you can then this is a great start to your desire to earn extra income for yourself - now you just have to go out and start building the site'