Everything You Can Imagine Can Be Real

Published: June 17, 2019, 7:39 a.m.

b'When we\'re young, we have an amazing positive outlook about how great life is going to be. But somewhere along the line we forget to dream and end up settling. join up dots features amazing people who refuse to give up and chose to go after their dreams. This is your blueprint for greatness. So here\'s your host live from the back of his garden in the UK, David Ralph. David Ralph 0:26 Yes, hello there. Good morning. Good morning to you across the world. Thank you so much for being here. And I really do mean it because I know that there\'s so many different podcasts out there. And there\'s different YouTube channels and your time is being taken up by by tweets and posts and sliding apps and sliding down to the sliding sideways and sliding. You know, when I was young, there was only one bit of sliding that I like to do. And that\'s when snow hit. But now you slide all the time wherever you go, yes, sliding. I\'ve actually been given these sliders. I don\'t know if they\'re called sliders across the world. But they\'re like kind of sandals that you just kind of slide your feet in. And apparently, apparently, you\'re not supposed to wear socks with them. Now I am coming up 50. So I\'m at the time of life. when I say to my family, nobody knows me. And I don\'t care. And my family say "But you can\'t go out like that Dad, you can\'t go out in your sliders." "Well, if you want a lift in my car, then you\'re gonna have to put up with it. Because I\'m not going back in to put my shoes on." So there you go. There you go. I\'m in control of my own life, my own destiny. So how are we doing out there? I hope you are all good and rocking and rolling. Because that\'s what this show is all about. And it really is. It\'s not just a show. Now, how can I express this more clearly? This isn\'t about a show, it\'s just not one way. It\'s not just me. And one of the findings of the show, I think so I think so many podcasts bear with this is it becomes a bit like a radio station where you just turn it on and you listen. But the most brilliant podcasts and the most engaged podcasts are the ones when you guys provide the content, you guys give us questions you give us inspiration and stimulation to provide the voice that we can sort of put back into the world. And that\'s what we\'re trying to do in join up dots. We we don\'t get a lot of questions, and then they come in a little Flurry. But we are, as we say, last week, we\'ve launched the local community support groups that gratitude groups where we got them linked up through the world. And I Yes, me, actually me. Yes, yes, yes, I actually spend all day on Friday opening Facebook groups that I can then start connecting with and what I want to do, I want to not only connect with them, but I want to be a help to broadcast live from join up dots into some kind of video system. So it goes into all the groups. So not only do you get the voice not only do you get the voice, but you get the vision as well. Yes, you do. You get the vision of a 50 year old, haggard man coming into your life whenever he wants. And what I\'m trying to do, I\'m trying to connect all the motivation in the world and bring the real life stories so you become part of it. join up dots is circulating you. So we have got so far we\'ve got Missouri, we\'ve got Memphis, we\'ve got Auckland, we\'ve got Hobart just being built in Tasmania. We\'ve got Yorkshire in England, back Cher bed for cheer, Suffolk f6. Kent, a little bit of warehouse, a few more can\'t be where they are now North Hampton sheer Yes, we\'ve got North Hampton here as well, because there\'s a guy called Martin Gardner in there. And he\'s waiting, he\'s waiting for people to join him. And what we want to do is have you guys every day being able to reinvent your circle of influence. So so many of us get surrounded by these people that basically bring us down and they\'re not interested in changing their lives. They\'re not interested in building online income into their lives. And so you go out for a drink with them. And you mentioned things yet, and you\'re not going to do that. Yeah. What\'s the point in doing that? I\'ve heard somebody else do that. It didn\'t work. And they fed all that kind of negativity stuff. And push that away and get surrounded by people that go, yeah, brilliant. That\'s a great idea. But how about this, have you thought about doing it this way, and not only in your local communities, so Yorkshire and let Aberdeen cheer there\'s a number one number, and Northern Ireland and wherever you are in the world. Not only that, but we can bring the best ideas from all the groups and just make an absolute swell. Now, all we\'ve got to do is jump over to join up dots, look at the local support, whoops, and I ever click on the group, if it\'s already made. And if it\'s not made, tell us you want a group made, and Ben start inviting people in. Now what we always find in everything, it takes time to get going because so many people out there are followers, and they won\'t take that first action. They want to see what other people are doing before they jump in. And believe me, that\'s not what makes success. What makes success is you deciding to do something on your own back, well, not literally on your own back, because that that leads me into a conversation totally different. But to do it on your own terms, that\'s better. That\'s what I should have said, to do it on your own terms. And even if nobody else is doing it, to do it. Now I spend 95% of my time doing stuff, but I don\'t know if it\'s gonna work or not. But I still do it. And I would say 50% of the time it works 25% of the time, it really works and to 5% is now probably a bit different from that, I would say 50% of the time, it doesn\'t work 25% of the time it does work and 25%, it really works. So I spend literally all my time 50% of my day, by eating constantly. But I\'m still willing to do that. So if you are wanting to connect with people, and actually make a difference in your life, get a circle of influence of people that are inspirational and motivational. And they\'re looking to change their lives, and most importantly, are in your area. So if you\'ve been wanting to meet up and do some community group setups, then you can do and as I say come across to the local support group. Now that\'s on join up dots. Of course it is. Now one of the things that I\'m big on in these groups is keeping your head in the game keeping gratitude front and center. And yesterday was Father\'s Day. Yes, it was, which is why this podcast is a little bit late. Normally I sort of bang one out on a on a Sunday. But the yesterday know you\'re not going to your office, it\'s Father\'s Day, I can do what I want. No you can\'t, you\'ve got to come out for dinner with us. Yeah, but after that can I do know you\'ve got to do this. But well, with bloody Father\'s Day, I should be able to do what I want. Anyhow, I wasn\'t allowed. So this podcast is a little bit late. But it\'s good. Because I was given a job. It\'s like a sort of big sweetie jar with one of those metal hinges that you clip and then you pull down really tight on the top. And so you can keep things all fresh in there. And I suppose you can put sweets in there or candy as a saying our brains across America and or dried fruit or whatever you want to put you can put in you can put cannabis you can put anything you want in it\'s a job. Now within this job, my daughter has put, she said that she wanted to do 365 but she ran out about 90. And every day I reach in and I pick out I have a phrase that might be sort of motivational and inspirational. Or it might be something but I say and yesterday\'s one was. Yeah, yesterday\'s one. Apparently I say I\'ve had more hot dinners. And you\'ve done that. Now. I don\'t think I do say that. But I might do it sounds like something Come on, say but today\'s one I\'ve reached in and this is this is the point that the whole show, this is the point of it. Everything you imagine can be real. Now think about that. Everything you imagine can be real. Now, in the world of business in the world of online adventure and Daring Do. Basically they say you create it twice. The first thing is when you think about it in your head, anything is good. Yeah, I could do this. And then you create it again, in the real world. And certainly in join up dots. My first thought was, I would like to have a podcast. So I made that happen event, I thought I\'d like to do some coaching my happen when I want to connect the world in the local support groups, which I really, really hope you guys can sort of jump in, and so that we can get it moving, because it does take a while but you know, help me out. Help me out guys, I\'m doing it from this side. And if you can just click on and, you know, take part every day or whenever you want, it really will help me. So everything you imagine can be real. So whatever you\'re doing in your life at the moment, you made it happen, you might be going to a job where you saw have a job, you went for the interview, you got the job, you\'re now doing the job, you made that happen. Now, the problem with that is 90% of what you\'re making happen in that environment, you\'re giving away to somebody else, not only are you giving away the bulk of the profits, you know, nobody\'s going to take you on in a job and say, right, okay, we can pay you 30 grand a year. And that is everything that you\'re going to bring into the business that makes it we\'re just keep you that you\'re basically making 100 grand for that company, you\'re making 200 grand, and that company is taking those profits that you\'re allowing to build up and giving you a tiny, teeny, weeny share. Okay, which doesn\'t sound good to me, it really doesn\'t sound good. And yeah, I tell you, I read this the other day, they reckon within 10 years, 62% of the jobs in America will be at risk 62% whether it\'s automation, whether it\'s faster processes, whatever, 62%. So if you\'re sitting there now and you\'re thinking, Oh, I\'m on, I\'m in a job, but live within 10 years, you may not be you know, there\'s there\'s only going to be a small percentage of people that are now down. And so the entrepreneurial world is where its leading, okay. And that really ties into this, everything you imagine can be real, that was what I pulled out of my jar today. So what are you creating? Are you thinking about creating more and more income in your life? Which is brilliant? Are you thinking of creating more and more freedom in your life? Or are you thinking of creating more and more choice in your life, you know, through join up dots. It was horrendous. You know, I say that all the time. Because I really want you to realize, but everything I talked about is grounded in reality. I\'m never going to be one of these people that go out. Yeah, you can just jump on. Spend some time with me. And within four weeks, you\'re going to make 100 million pounds. No, you know, I can spend time with you. And I can give you the clarity. And I can give you the understanding and the business structure, I can give you all that. But you\'ve still got to build it, you\'ve still got to go out there and actually do the work. And through join up dots. I realized the other day that I literally have the three elements, I have the money, but I have the time I want and I had the choice that I want. So that\'s kind of financially independent, location independent, and time independent. And I don\'t think you can do better than that. So I can literally say to anyone, yeah, I\'ll do that today. That\'s fine. Just move things around in my calendar sort things out. How many of you out there can say that? How many of you can say yeah, okay, this Thursday, I\'ll play go for this Wednesday, I can do that. I come back to you in an hour, shift things around, and we will be there. I think they are the three key pillars, time, location, and choice, and money. And if you get all of those, you really cooking on gas. And guess what people Guess what? Everything you imagine can be real. So you can do that, you can make that happen. And I really want to make it happen with you, I want to really push you through to where you want to be. And one of the key things is getting you surrounded by people. So I\'m gonna, I\'m gonna keep on banging on about this, and you will get fed up with it. Because I\'m not promoting it to make money, this, this isn\'t something that I\'m doing to make money. So this is a passion project, because I know it\'s right. And I know it will make a difference. And so all my effort at the moment is going into getting you guys to start connecting with each other in the local support groups to get you away from the negativity and the Twitter and the Facebook, where it\'s just people going out for dinner and all that kind of stuff. And just have you surrounded so that imagination can start occurring. And you can see people in your vicinity, but doing something, you know, I coached quite a few people in Essex. And more often than not, they say one of the things that made them decide to join me my coaching platform was that I was local to them. And so it seemed more believable. Somehow it\'s a more believable that somebody just around the corner, talk to them has actually done the thing that I want to do or whatever, more events, somebody in Ontario, or somewhere in Africa, or whatever, but you can connect on Skype and zoom and whatever. So imagine, imagine, imagine, everything you imagine can be real, start imagining, get out there and start thinking about things and start looking around at things and start thinking to yourself, I quite fancy doing that, I\'d really do. But I don\'t know how to do it, when I\'m people that are already doing it and start picking their brains and start getting that vibration, that gratitude vibration going through you. Because if you can do that, then you are more than 50% better, I would say you\'re 70% better. And then the 30 it\'s just persistence, clarity, and knowledge of your subject. Not too hard. It really isn\'t. Until next time, my young patterns, thank you so much for being here. I think on Wednesday is going to be another solo show. Again, because I\'ve got a lot of things I want to talk to you and they don\'t fit into any interview format. But we\'ve got quite a few interviews coming up as well. You\'re going to get what you want, you\'re gonna get what join up dots is all about. And hopefully I will start seeing some of you live in the group\'s local support groups, join up dots going click Find your group. And if you haven\'t got one, I will set one up for you. And then we can start connecting you with people. But more than that, please be here next time because I need you is I need you is I\'m on a mission. This is a movement we\'re creating, and it is going to be life changing. I promise you, because I know it\'s going to happen. And if I know it\'s going to happen, I\'ve gone past the imagination. And I\'m already in the process of doing the work is going to happen. You can be part of it. Let\'s change lives together. Until next time, thank you so much for being here. Look after yourself, hug strangers smile, and just be grateful for what you\'ve got because it\'s a good live. See you guys Cheers. Bye bye. Unknown Speaker 15:58 David doesn\'t want you to be become a faded version of the brilliant self you are wants to become so he\'s put together an amazing guide for you called the eight pieces of advice that every successful entrepreneur practices, including the two that changed his life. Head over to join up dots.com to download this amazing guide for free and we\'ll see you tomorrow on join up dots.'