Event Planning

Published: May 9, 2018, midnight

b'How To Start An Event Planning Business With Carolien Mertens My guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired\\xa0Join Up Dots free podcast interview is a lady who is helping the world of online ventures jump out of the screen and into live events. To date, she has planned over 100 events in a variety of industries, and served more than 10,000 participants. As she says "I started my career in events curating art auctions in a top European Gallery. Here, I learned the ins and outs of planning seamlessly orchestrated high-end events, and the art of \\u201cwhite glove\\u201d service for the upper class. Think event attendees like multi-millionaires with Swiss chalets and art-loving Middle East Sheikhs. After helping Fortune 500 companies like the World Bank and the World Health Organization, I brought my work online so that I can serve driven entrepreneurs changing the world." So all the experience that she gained in corporate land gave her the skills to create her own flourishing business. She was working everyday for someone else, but actually when the time came she had actually been working on her own self development (and getting paid for it) Now since two years ago, she has left her corporate job, got her first freelancing clients, closed the long distance gap with her partner,\\xa0 moved to Italy to be with him then moved to Spain. It has been as she says "Quite a ride so far, learning new languages, making new friends, and building a business that\\u2019s 75% working from my local coffee shop La Gallofa on my computer, 25% traveling around the world to meet clients and run events. Today I\\u2019m in Amsterdam, next month I\\u2019ll cover Belgium, Spain and Sedona, Arizona." So how did she come up with the idea of event planning for herself, and now that she could make it work across the world? And where do people go wrong the most when starting their own online venture? Well let\'s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Carolien Mertens \\xa0 Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with\\xa0Carolien Mertens such as: How she didn\'t have clue to what her life during University was going to be, but didn\'t care. She had total belief that her life would work out in a way that she would love. We discuss how Carolien has used her talents for observing to be a successful in her business, and why tapping into your natural talents is the best way to find success. Carolien gives great advice to everyone looking at entering the event planning world...and it is a lot more simpler than you might imagine. Carolien talks openly as to the process she took to define her ideal customer, and why it is vitally important to keep fine tuning this character as your business grows. and lastly\\u2026. Carolien reveals how she had an event that went badly wrong, and why she fought strongly to host the same event the next year. Brave or mad?'