Escape Rooms

Published: Oct. 28, 2019, midnight

b'Introducing Greg Koberger Today\'s guest joining us on the Join Up Dots podcast is a lady who for many years worked in the corporate environment. He hails from the lovely town of Schaghticoke (pronounced scat-a-coke) in upstate New York. After attending RIT he made the move to San Francisco where he\\u2019s worked for Mozilla, and freelanced for a bunch of startups. In fact when Greg interviewed at Mozilla, he was asked where he wanted to be in five years. His answer? Well most of the time you would expect a response in the line of "I want to firmly providing daily value to your customers and stakeholders" or other such waffle. Our guest today instead answered "Running my own startup." Four years and 363 days later, after several starts and stops, years of freelancing, and a failed Y Combinator application, he achieved his goal just ahead of deadline. It proves that the glamorous world of startups are just as prone to failure as they are global success. Interestingly,\\xa0 early on, Greg discovered a unique team-building exercise in escape rooms. He values the game so much, in fact, that he decided to build his own:\\xa0Startup Escape. and to date hundreds of companies have gone through this immersive experience in San Francisco, earning it quite the reputation among startups. So why does he feel driven to put himself under so much strain and workload, when remaining as an employee would quite often be so much easier? And what are the big lessons that he carries with him everyday. as he looks back and joins up his dots to where he is today? Well let\'s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots, the one and only Greg Koberger. Show Highlights During the show we discussed such dreamy subjects with Greg Koberger such as: Greg shares how the inspiration for starting his own escape room and why he thinks these are amazing ventures for his creativity. We discuss "The Dip" that all businesses suffer with when starting their own business. Greg reveals how it took him five years to get any sense of success in his business, but that is totally fine as he learnt so much and lastly...... We talk about what energises us in our businesses (and more often than not its what we do away from it all that makes the biggest difference)'