Erica Castner: Want To Be A Better Business Coach? Then You Need The Queen Of Results

Published: April 13, 2016, midnight

b'Following the words of Steve Jobs with today\\u2019s guest entrepreneur finding the freedom to joining us on the Join Up Dots free podcast interview is going to be such a delight. She is a the host of not just Blog - The Queen Of Results, but also the Power Factor Biz Chat and has such a similar story to many of the guests who have appeared on the show that im sure most of you will be the same too. One of burnout, lack of confidence, debt and a myriad of other things, not least not seeing the family that she loved because she was working so hard. She had no freedom and a lifestyle that was totally out of wack. As she says in her own words \\u201d I was incredibly burned out. So burned out, that all I wanted to do was drink a glass of wine or two and crash, only to get up and fake a smile through my next day. I felt like I was on a hamster wheel. Always moving but going no where. To make matters worse, my beautiful teenage \\u201cgift\\u201d daughters were crying because they wanted more quality time with me and their dad, but we were always working. That was the final straw. Later that summer, I made a commitment to get control in my life. I was tired of letting my circumstances get in the way of my happiness. I deserved to live out my dreams and I was determined to \\u201crock my universe\\u201d. But then something came along which did rock her universe, even though she couldn\\u2019t quite see the gift that had been placed in front of her at the time. Which lead her to start changing her life and break free from the 9 to 5 grind that had done so well to trap her for the last decade or so. And now she spends every day teaching business owners how to do the same. How to create a lifestyle that fits around the business, and not the normal route where business comes first. So has it been harder to change direction so drastically, or did things become easy when she started playing to her strengths? And as we ask all the time, when you have the freedom to control your own calendar how do you get anything done? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots and following the words of Steve Jobs, with the one and only super entrepreneur Erica Castner. \\xa0 To hear more from Erica Castner go to: Podcast: Blog - Queen Of Results Description: Erica Castner is the host of Power of Persistence and the Founder of Queen of Results Business Coaching & Consulting. A certified business coach, Erica has been helping busy professionals connect with resources to grow and develop their business since 2006. Visit to work with Erica TODAY! Podcast: Power Factor Biz Chat Description:\\xa0Power Factor Biz Chat is a podcast that is created for entrepreneurs, business owners, or sales professionals. If you are looking to shatter procrastination, increase confidence, and accomplish your goals faster, this podcast is for you. Erica Castner and her guests will deliver bite-size pieces of valuable business building information, twice a week. Each episode will give you the Inspiration and motivation you need to grow and scale your business, be more efficient in accomplishing your goals, and communicate your message with confidence.'