Eric Maisel: A Man Who Brings A Creative Approach To All Areas Of Life

Published: June 6, 2014, 4:01 a.m.

b"Todays guest has for many, many years preached the benefits of bringing creativity into all forms of our lives, through his keynote addresses, coaching sessions, appearances all over the media, and through the 40 plus books he has written. He was\\xa0born in the Bronx, New York, where he lived until the age of 5, but grew up in the Brooklyn area of New York City. Education and the desire to learn and develop seems to be an inherent part of his personality as after\\xa01968, after a three year stint in the military, unlike many people who have had enough of education as children he returned once again to the classroom. He attended Oregon State University and the University of Oregon, where he received a B.S. in philosophy. After this he earned\\xa0a master\\u2019s degree in creative writing from San Francisco State University while ghost-writing mysteries and nonfiction and self-publishing fiction. And then if this wasn't enough in the \\u201980s he returned to school and earned a second bachelor\\u2019s degree in psychology, a second master\\u2019s degree in counselling, and a doctorate in counselling psychology. So what is creative coaching? And can we all bring this into our lives, if so many of us are in fulltime employment, and generally feel that we have little time for anything else? Well lets find out as we start Joining Up\\xa0Dots with the one and only Eric Maisel."