ENTREPRENUR INTERVIEW: Adventure, Business And Travel

Published: Sept. 15, 2023, midnight

b"ENTREPRENUR INTERVIEW: Adventure, Business And Travel Wayfinders Founder Mike Brcic joins us on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots Podcast Today, we're diving deep into ae captivating world, so imagine a voyage where innovation meets purpose, where digital landscapes are transformed into avenues of growth and empowerment. Today, we unveil the extraordinary tale of Wayfinders, a beacon of light in the ever-evolving tech universe. From their humble beginnings to becoming trailblazers of innovation, Wayfinders has been carving a path towards excellence. Through the highs and lows, the triumphs and setbacks, you'll hear first-hand how its become what it is today. It's a saga of determination, collaboration, and relentless curiosity that has led them to redefine the boundaries of possibility. How The Dots Joined Up For Wayfinders But Wayfinders is more than just a tech story; it's a testament to the human spirit's boundless potential. It's a reminder that even in the vast expanse of the digital landscape, the heart and soul of a community can flourish, connect, and leave an indelible mark.\\xa0 Whether you're an aspiring tech enthusiast, a seeker of inspiration, or simply someone eager to witness the power of dreams turned into reality, this is your compass to navigate your own personal journey. So how did the company get off the ground and continue to grow, not only selling out each year but multiple years in the future? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots the founder of Wayfinders, Mr Mike Brcic"