Entrepreneurship The RIght Way

Published: Sept. 23, 2019, midnight

b'Introducing Curt Mercandante Curt Mercadante is an international speaker, coach, trainer and disruptive entrepreneur whose mission is to save the world by helping people fight for lives of freedom and fulfilment. And one thing for sure his life looks very different from what it once did. Back in the day he was a man on a mission to create success in the manner that the world said was success. He was in the midst of running an extremely successful public relations/advertising agency and landing one big client after another. You move around a lot in that walk of life. Regular flights to catch meetings\\u2026conference calls and follow-ups\\u2026managing the collective anxieties of a demanding clientele base. His family was growing and so was his bank account. Mercadante did what he could to embrace the little moments that matter whenever they cascaded into view, but he also had to contend with the next thing: the next meeting, the next fire to put out, the next brand to promote. A carousel ride that continued in seeming perpetuity, Mercadante was satisfied with the growth of his business \\u2014 because, why wouldn\\u2019t he have been? \\u2014 though he couldn\\u2019t help but feel that there was something missing from the rush a surging career is supposed to offer. Then he remembered what a superhero looks like and his life changed forever. Curt\'s speeches and training empower individuals to live their Freedom Lifestyle, and he also hosts the popular Freedom Club Podcast. Raised in the Chicago area, he and his wife, Julie, now live in Charleston, South Carolina, with their four children, when they aren\'t travelling the world. Curt is a die-hard fan of the White Sox, a superhero nerd, and can frequently be found at his local boxing gym. So does he find the more he gets "the route to freedom" the more he actually doesn\'t want to do anything much either? And why does he feel this method is so powerful for his clients, that are always rushing, when we know that slow and steady wins the day Well let\\u2019s bring onto the show to start joining up dots, as we discuss the words of Steve Jobs in today\'s free podcast, with the one and only Mr Curt Mercadante Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with Curt Mercadante\\xa0such as: Why the "hustle porn" is such a big part of the online entrepreneur world nowadays (which is so seducing to buy into) Curt discussed the harrowing cancer battle his father went through, and the change it brought into his life. \\xa0We discuss why the fight in people is such a rare skill to see from so many people nowadays. They have things too easy. Why the key is to clearly define your life\'s outcomes, and then go and go and re-engineer the hell out of it. And lastly........... How life is there to be lived and yes, it will be scary, yes it will be hard, but what is the alternative? Not living at all!'