
Published: May 10, 2014, 4:01 a.m.

b'It\'s with great delight that I get to invite one of todays top entrepreneurs onto the top rated Steve Jobs inspired business interview "Join Up Dots". He is\\xa0a man who literally has been to the top and back, and then back up to the top once moretasting career success all the way. Its a fascinating story of a man driven from an early age to make his mark on the world.A creative risk taker he flourished early on and established himself as someone who can make things happen. Bringing A list celebrities to speak to Canada, earning over $84,000 in just a few hours, and moving and shaking with the best of them life was good.But then things changed and he found himself over $250,000 in cash debt. Worst of all he had no business to help him recover, and no idea of how to set about reversing his fortunes. But with an entrepreneurial mind born to overcome such obstacles he did just that, and rose to the top once more.You can now find him speaking with passion and eloquence on the top rated Early To Rise podcast, or working on his Mastermind talks series of presentations, with such keynote speakers such as Tim Ferriss, Guy Kawasaki , Clay Herbert, and Lewis Howes to name just four.With all that going on its amazing that he has found time to speak to us today, but we are mightily glad that he has.Welcome to the show the one and only, and my favourite Canadian entrepreneur (after Michael Buble and Bryan Adams\\u2026.is Celine Dion Canadian???) Mr Jayson Gaignard.'