Entrepreneur On Fire

Published: May 7, 2014, 4:01 a.m.

b"Some people are born to make money. Others are born to provide value to others. Our guest today was born to do both. From his early days in school, today's entrepreneur joining us on the Join Up Dots Steve Jobs business interview, knew how to hustle, zigging whilst others zagged, zoning in on opportunities whilst others looked the other way. He made money as a young man, and knew that this was the way he wanted his life to be. But life in school is I suppose \\u201cChilds play\\u201d compared to what is in store when the high school bell rings for the last time, and your thrust out into the big wide world to fend for yourself. Our guest knew this and before even leaving high school, was creating a path that would lead him to where he is today. By enrolling into an MLM course, he learnt the skills of rapport building and developed the ability to create connections with people from all forms of life. This is probably the most important skill that any entrepreneur could hope to have. But although a huge step in the right direction, he was making very little money, so knew he had to take a step into the unknown and accept a level of risk that he hadn\\u2019t before. This risk came when he realised that there was freedom to go for the opportunities that were waiting in real estate, and before long, with a huge list of tenants paying him rent from properties he owned, he was a paper millionaire. Not bad for someone only in the 20\\u2019s. However the phrase \\u201cLearn to expect the unexpected\\u201d could have had been a very useful mantra to have, as boom time literally disappeared overnight. In 2008 the real estate crash occurred, and forced our guest into bankruptcy. Despondent, depressed and broke, he had two choices.. One to say goodbye to the good life and settle into a life of \\u201cWhat If's\\u201d and \\u201cBroken Dreams\\u201d Or he could fight back, and restore himself to previous glories. And in\\xa0today\\u2019s\\xa0episode we will discuss just how someone could find the mental strength to go once more, after life had been so\\xa0cruel and indiscriminate with its finger of fate. So it is with great pleasure that I introduce you to\\xa0today\\u2019s\\xa0guest entrepreneur\\u2026\\u2026..Nick Ruiz."