Published: May 3, 2023, midnight

b'ENTREPRENEUR INTERVIEW: Subtract Before You Add Shayamal Vallabhjee is a best-selling author, sports scientist, psychologist, and high-performance coach to elite athletes, sports teams, and C-suite executives. With over two decades of experience, he has helped hundreds of athletes around the world enhance their competitive edge, including Olympians, world cup cricket teams, and top-seeded athletes in tennis, track, and field. Shayamal has also assisted many organizations in developing a culture of innovation and adaptability to keep their businesses agile in a competitive environment. His main areas of focus include maximizing focus, team building, creating a culture of excellence, and managing pressure, and his approach to optimizing human performance blends evidence-based science, modern psychology, and spirituality. He spent almost four years living as a monk, who owned nothing, at a Hare Krishna Temple in Durban, South Africa, before moving to India and starting a multimillion-dollar company.'