ENTREPRENEUR INTERVIEW: Life Doesn't Have To be Hard

Published: May 22, 2023, midnight

b"ENTREPRENEUR INTERVIEW: Life Doesn't Have To be Hard Introducing Jennifer Myers Jennifer Myers is our guest today to share her insights into running a successful business without that business running you. She is the founder of Gener8 Leadership Solutions, and also one of the 90 Day Divas, a coaching business she shares with two other ladies that all have been through the ups and downs of business and can ease the way to a better life. Which is exactly what she wanted but just a few years ago was a long way from experiencing what she now teaches. As she says \\u201cI\\u2019ve got an amazing personal story to share that totally suits YOUR philosophy \\u2013 that life and business doesn\\u2019t have to be HARD! As a matter of fact, I\\u2019ve just contributed to a book that will come out this month and my contribution is titled \\u2018Life Doesn\\u2019t Have to be Hard.\\u2019\\xa0 One night in early 2009 after a manic day, my husband and I looked at each and basically said \\u2018Our life is totally running us \\u2013 not the other way around. How did it get like this?!\\u2019 We knew the balance in our lives had gotten skewed, and we knew we had to do something about it ASAP. How The Dots Joined Up For Jennifer To make a long story short(er), just 10 months after that \\u2018OMG\\u2019 moment, we had sold or given away everything we owned, packed 3 suitcases and 3 large boxes (talk about learning the difference between \\u2018need\\u2019 and \\u2018want!) and purchased 3 one-way plane tickets to New Zealand without ever having visited there before. What started as a \\u2018let\\u2019s see if this works\\u2019 move turned into a new way of life in a new country, and we\\u2019ve never looked back! She has now been a Certified Business and Leadership Coach and Trainer for over a decade now where she helps develop leaders and teams learn how to communicate more effectively I often encourage my clients to step outside their comfort zones when it comes to activities that will help them take their businesses forward, and it\\u2019s so rewarding to watch them grow and develop! So when business is simply a series of decisions that we take to grow and establish our reach, why do most people never consider the impact on their own personal lives? And what would she say was the biggest learning curve as she finally decided that \\u201cLife Doesn\\u2019t Have To Be Hard\\u201d? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Jennifer Myers."