ENTREPRENEUR INTERVIEW: Fighting Back From A Sacking

Published: May 12, 2023, midnight

b'ENTREPRENEUR INTERVIEW: Fighting Back From A Sacking Ryan Hanley is our guest today ready to be interviewed on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots podcast. He was first on the show back in May 2014 and on that show we talked about how he was full on busy With Insurance being just one thing on his resume, he was creating an online marketing production line, that was simply exploding on all platforms. Type in his name and you would find him actively participating as a blogger, public speaker, Podcaster, Internet marketer, published author and the list goes on. Weaving through all these different areas was the art of storytelling and creating content that sales. How The Dots Joined Up For Ryan Now it appears he joined up dots and when back to an environment that he knew better than most \\u2013 small business insurance. He has created Rogue Risk that helps people get the insurance that they need and also explains why they need it too As he says \\u201cAt Rogue Risk, one of our core values is \\u201cNo Customer Left Behind.\\u201d No small business owner should be left to fend for themselves because their account is \\u201chard to place\\u201d or their insurance premiums are \\u201ctoo small to be profitable.\\u201d We are NOT scared to put in the extra work necessary to find the insurance you need to protect your business. In truth, \\u201cNo Customer Left Behind\\u201d is more than just a core value, it\\u2019s the filter by which we make every decision in our business. We call this The Rogue Risk Way. So is this business the one that was always waiting for him, once he joined up his dots to the point that things made sense? And where would he mark himself against where he wants to be? Well let\\u2019s bring onto the show to start joining up dots, as we discuss the words of Steve Jobs with the one and only master of Content Warfare Mr Ryan Hanley.'