Published: Aug. 4, 2023, midnight

b"ENTREPRENEUR INTERVIEW: ChatGPT \\U0001f525 #DreamLives #Entrepreneurship #BusinessJourney #Inspiration Welcome back to the Join Up Dots Business Podcast! T oday, we have a very special guest who will ignite your entrepreneurial spirit and inspire you to chase your dreams. Joining us is the brilliant Colin Scotland, a self-employed marketing business coach and strategist, and an expert in helping others define their message, direction, and income. Colin's journey, much like many successful entrepreneurs, has been filled with challenges and triumphs. From the exhilaration of witnessing sales pour in through his website to facing a financial collapse when a bank manager almost pulled the plug on his dream, Colin has experienced it all. However, he never gave up. Instead, he pivoted and found success in the world of AI and ChatGPT. Today, he combines his expertise with ChatGPT and AI to help his clients build conscious businesses. They discover their niche, identify their ideal clients, craft captivating content using AI, create compelling offers, and automate their marketing, saving both time and money. But why ChatGPT, and not any other AI platforms? Colin firmly believes that ChatGPT is the business version of the DeLorean from Back to the Future. It has the power to take your business to the next level, but it still needs the human touch to reach its full potential. In this captivating episode, Colin shares his experiences, the importance of finding the right pivot, and how embracing technology has transformed his life and business. His story is a true testament to resilience, perseverance, and the potential of combining human brilliance with AI advancements. \\U0001f680 Join us as we dive deep into the world of entrepreneurship, technology, and the power of ChatGPT with the one and only Mr. ChatGPT, Colin Scotland! \\U0001f389 Show Highlights: Colin's inspiring journey from the thrill of witnessing online sales to facing a financial collapse and bouncing back stronger than ever. The incredible potential of AI, and why Colin believes ChatGPT is the key to unlocking business success. Embracing the pivot and riding the wave of technology to create a lasting impact on your business. Discover the benefits of using ChatGPT Pro over the free version, and witness faster results in your business like never before! \\U0001f517 Tune in to this must-listen episode and get ready to embark on your entrepreneurial journey with Colin Scotland and ChatGPT Pro by your side. Don't forget to share this empowering podcast with your friends and fellow dreamers using #DreamLives #Entrepreneurship #JoinUpDots! Let's create a viral buzz and inspire entrepreneurs from across the world to take charge of their destiny and build the businesses of their dreams! \\U0001f525"