Email Marketing Mastery

Published: May 8, 2019, 10:47 a.m.

b'Introducing Email Marketing Mastery Expert Tom Trush Over five years ago before there was even a show called Join Up Dots I sent an email out to our guest today Tom Trush. To be honest I can\'t remember how I found him. I can\'t even remember the reasons why I invited him on my However I certainly can remember the majority of the conversation that we had that day such was the effect it had on me. Tom Trush is a Email Marketing Mastery and copyright expert and as he says "You know that feeling you get when you\\u2019re not generating the leads you want from your marketing? Or the frustration of knowing you should be marketing more \\u2014 but don\\u2019t know what to write or where to focus your efforts? I fix these problems. (I\\u2019m also a three-time\\xa0\\xa0and\\xa0.) He now finds himself as the go to man for \\u201cDirect Response Copy writing\\u201d, and don\\u2019t worry I don\\u2019t know what that is either\\u2026..but we will soon. \\xa0 How The Dots Joined To Gain True Email Marketing Mastery He states that it was a game of baseball, but not actually getting on the pitch, and working in a library that started the path that he followed into adulthood. And that is a hard one to join up the dots with in any shape or form. But after working in a library as a teenager, Mr Trush picked up two books that quite simply changed his life. \\u201c\\u201d and \\u201c\\u201d pricked his interest to such a degree, that he literally wrote the next chapters of his life there and then. By studying the subject, and developing his skills, it has know taken him all the way back to the library, joining the authors of those two books with three of his own Since October 2001, I\\u2019ve been writing marketing materials that give entrepreneurs and executives \\u2014 in 120+ industries \\u2014 an alternative to the typical corporate nonsense that makes most outreach efforts useless. From website content and direct mail to special reports and email campaigns, he now shows you how simply changing your perspective on prospects can help position you as an industry authority. Deliver higher returns on your marketing investments and allow you to reach larger audiences with less effort. As he says "The fact is, your prospects are more informed now than at any time in history. This takes real email marketing mastery. Easy accessibility to information has shifted the power away from anyone pitching products or services. To see success with your marketing these days, you must deliver extreme value to even have a chance at capturing interest and closing clients. So has things changed in his business and his mindset since the last time we spoke? And is copyrighting about simply speaking in the first voice, so it\'s like a conversation? Well let\'s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr. Tom Trush. \\xa0 Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty email marketing mastery with Tom Trush as: Why email marketing mastery is always about speaking in the real voice and starting a conversation with your. How a call to action is such a key component to marketing that people often over look bigtime. Why swipe and deploy is such an amazing strategy to find the true emotion of the written word. And lastly......... How we can all get to the point where we lose the challenge and the thrill of building a business. However that is when the real work starts.'