Elese Coit: A Lady Who Knows Her Path By Listening Within

Published: Aug. 1, 2014, 4:01 a.m.

b'Todays guest is a lady that I have wanted to have on the show it seems from the very beginning.She was recommended to me by one of my all time favourite guests, August Turak who appeared way back on Episode 4 who said "David, do I have a guest for you!" She is the CEO and founder of True Change Consultants, whose tagline releasing the potential in people means she is perfect for this show. She has spent her professional life transforming organizations through people, nurturing talent and human potential in order to successfully deliver strategic business change. In the last 20 years she has held top posts in Telecommunications, IT, Web and Media in FTSE 500 companies. And quite simply she knows the limitations we set on ourselves. She knows how to break those barriers down and help us dream big and feel inspired. So its with great pleasure that I bring onto the show, to start joining up the dots of her life, the one and only Elese Coit.'