Education Made Fun

Published: June 20, 2018, midnight

b'My guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired\\xa0Join Up Dots free podcast interview is with a lady who first connected with the show as a listener. However once she told me about her dreams for the future, the hustle she is showing daily, and how she wants to change the lives of millions of children across the world then she wasn\'t going to be only a listener anymore. This is a lady who is moving forward\\xa0 to where she wants to be by hook or by crook. As she says "I was very dyslexic as a child, and rather failed at school, until the last year when I worked out a system to remember things. After lots of hard work I finally made it to a Producer Director and ended up winning a film documentary award at ceremony where the BBCs classic programmes Blue Planet and Office also won. Then I went on and created, produced & directed the longest running show on MTV uk which is still loved by teenagers and all skate boarders around the world. My children must never know I was involved in it! However at this point i felt it was time to take some time out, so I slowed down to raise my 3\\xa0children as TV work and children aren\'t a good combination. Which lead med to my passion project. " The work that will be her legacy is called\\xa0Table Fables, which has been created to help children everywhere learn their times tables in a fun and enjoyable way, against the classic repeat in a drone until you fall into a coma method TABLE FABLES\\xa0are fun memorable short stories that teach children the times tables by giving them a hook to remember the answers. Children remember the numbers by recalling the funny story, with their mantra being\\xa0LEARN FUNNY. The technique is based on the peg memory system, which gives children the ability to remember the numerical position of items on a list, in or out of sequence. The peg system has been proven to be one of the most effective memory aids used to date. Each number, from 1 to 12, is represented by a character. Two characters (e.g. 8 Snowman & 3 mouse) interact to create a funny, short story, which reveals the answer. This has already\\xa0helped hundreds of children already and hopefully millions more in the future. So what gave her the idea to start helping children across the world, her own childhood struggles or simply a business opportunity? And where have the been the key areas of growth that our listeners can duplicate in their own online ventures? Well let\'s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Rebecca Ginger\\xa0 Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with\\xa0Rebecca Ginger such as: Rebecca shares how the idea for Tables Fables first came to due to the difficulties her own children were having with learning. We discuss why the validation of others was such an important part of the growth process of her business. Belief fosters belief all the way. Rebecca reveals how powerful Upwork was for her business by finding affordable talent that helped grow her business quickly. and lastly\\u2026. We both reveal why our own childhoods education was less than inspiring, and why the world is changing for the better in our kids lives.'