
Published: July 9, 2018, midnight

b'Anton Kraly Have created an ecommerce master plan. If you want an online business then this ecommerce master is for you My guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired\\xa0Join Up Dots free podcast interview is a guy who has gone through the kind of journey that makes Join Up Dots what it is. He was raised in Long Island, New York where he grew up as a regular, middle-class guy, but even as a child, he was dreaming of doing big things. After graduating from college, he\\xa0started his first business venture when he bought a cookie delivery route. Yes, he spent his early 20\\u2019s bumper-to-bumper in NYC selling baked goods. The cookie delivery route was his first business\\xa0but was neither the \\u201clifestyle\\u201d nor \\u201cbusiness\\u201d he imagined. Eventually, he\\xa0grew tired of the tiny margins that came with selling cookies. He knew things had to change if he ever wanted to make serious money and gain the freedom to travel. So he started asking the bakeries to fulfill the orders for him instead. He set up an online cookie shop where customers could order cookies and the wholesalers shipped the orders for him, efficiently freeing up time\\xa0while increasing profit. At this point he thought the drop shipping model had real potential, especially back in the early days of the internet. That\\u2019s when he took a chance and tried selling higher-ticket items online. He began selling items such as athletic equipment and furniture, finding immediate success. \\u201cI remember telling my parents when I made my first high ticket (for about $480) sale online and they said \\u201cYou\\u2019re going to be rich!\\u201c\\u2019 He has now built a passive million dollar business in only four short years, with a $29 investment. And that ended up being all the encouragement he needed to keep working hard. With just a $29 investment on an eCommerce hosting package,\\xa0Kraly\\xa0made $300,000 in his first year. By the second year, he\\xa0had pulled in $680,000. The next year, he hit seven figures when his store did $1.2 million in sales. The next year, he sold his first million-dollar business. The best part? He\\xa0only needed to spend around 20 hours a week working due to the passive qualities of a drop shipping business. But for\\xa0our guest, it\\u2019s not all about the money. When he learned how to make a lifestyle business, he achieved a level of freedom that changed his life forever. After experiencing first-hand how amazing that kind of life could be, he made it his mission to pass on that knowledge and help people find their own success. So what is his life like now, humble guy to rockstar, or humble guy to still humble guy? And where do people go wrong when starting a business, as it certainly seems that investment should not be the problem? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Anton Kraly. Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with\\xa0Anton Kraly \\xa0such as: The moment that his life changed forever when he realised that selling a $100 product is just as hard as selling a $1,000 why not go for the bigger piece of the pie. Anton gives great advice by suggesting we should all find an industry where products are not being sold by others but you know there is a market waiting for them.....seems obvious?? Anton shares the story of investing $25,000 into his baking route and realising that he hated it after just one day....and of course the steps he took to rectify that issue. and lastly\\u2026. We delve into the seven steps that anyone can take to start an ecommerce business, and believe me you will want to take notes for this piece of the show.'