Earn Six Figures From Writing Emails

Published: Aug. 14, 2020, midnight

b'Copywriting expert Francis Nayan is today\\u2019s guest joining us on the Steve Jobs\\xa0inspired Join Up Dots business podcast. He is a copywriter, and travelling entrepreneur, who has built his business without even first having an online presence. As he says "I create evergreen, automated, behaviour-driven emails, funnels, and campaigns for coaches, mentors, and e-commerce businesses who want to make more money with email. My goal is to create an email strategy that provides you a steady stream of cash flow and at least 30%+ of your total revenue by email alone. I use a blend of gold-standard copy-writing tactics, expert marketing insight, wolf-like sales psychology, and tailor-made copy written to the desires of your customers." That is of course what he does, so let\'s hear some more about who he is. \\xa0 How The Email Writing Dots Joined Up For Francis As he says "I\'m a copywriter from Memphis, Tennessee currently living in Budapest, Hungary. I started my freelance writing career as a kindergarten teacher in Budapest. I landed my first big client with a professional sports league and transitioned into full-time writer, specialising in email copy and sales pages. I\'ve steadily risen from a struggling freelancer scrapping for \'egg and bread money\' in a dirty Budapest apartment to earning well over 6-figures - all while travelling the world and writing just a few emails a day for my clients. Granted, travelling to 20+ countries may not be on people\\u2019s agendas right now during the pandemic \\u2014 however he believes that all our listeners can use their own businesses to quickly adapt to the environment around you, whilst of course continually thriving in your business. So what made him choose this line of work, and was it as surprise for him that it started to pay off? And has the pandemic of 2020 made any difference to his profitability or is it just business as usual? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr Francis Nayan Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with Francis Nayan such as: Why so many people start an online business that are based around "new skills" instead of working within their true life experience. Why most people are unhappy due to the situation they find themselves in, NOT because of what they are actually doing in life. Francis shares how he built his business by working hard on relationships not by selling hard. And lastly\\u2026.. Why the world has such an issue in putting their faces and voices out there and the reasons why it is so important to do so to build connection.'