
Published: March 3, 2023, midnight

b'Dyscalculia Dyscalculia Expert Rebecca Ginger from Tables Fables is my guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots business coaching podcast.\\xa0 She is a lady who first connected with the show as a listener. Then she became a guest on the show back on episode Then a long with her business partner became clients of mine, and now im pleased to say is one of my best friends I have. What i Love about her is she is a lady who is moving forward to where she wants to be by hook or by crook. She is doing stuff daily, turning up when things are hard and making things happen. How The Dyscalculia Dots Joined Up Now her business started in the way you will have heard us talk about time and time again throughout the episodes. She found a problem in her life, then realised this was a problem that thousands of others were suffering with and developed a solution. As she says \\u201cI was very dyslexic as a child, and rather failed at school, until the last year when I worked out a system to remember things. Which lead med to my passion project. \\u201c The work that will be her legacy is called Table Fables, which has been created to help children everywhere learn their times tables. Not in a boring way, but in a fun and enjoyable way, against the classic repeat in a drone until you fall into a coma method. The technique is based on the peg memory system. This is when children get the ability to remember the numerical position of items on a list, in or out of sequence. The peg system has been proven to be one of the most effective memory aids used to date. Each number, from 1 to 12, is represented by a character. T wo characters (e.g. 8 Snowman & 3 mouse) interact to create a funny, short story, which reveals the answer. This has already helped thousands of children already and hopefully millions more in the future. So has dreaming her passion business made it easier or actually harder to grow the success she now has? And where have the been the key areas of growth that our listeners can duplicate in their own online ventures? Well let\\u2019s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Rebecca Ginger'