Dream Jobs

Published: Aug. 7, 2017, midnight

b"Dream jobs is what everyone wants, and my guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired\\xa0Join Up Dots free podcast interview is the\\xa0founder and publisher of\\xa0Mac\\u2019s List. helping people find the dream jobs that they will love. His platform Mac\\u2019s List is now the premier resource for connecting passionate, creative professionals to meaningful and creative work throughout Oregon and Washington, with a growing monthly outreach to more than 80,000 people. Prior to moving to there in 1991, he lived in Massachusetts where he was legislative and media relations director for the state Office for Refugees and Immigrants, the first public information officer for Boston\\u2019s \\u201cBig Dig,\\u201d and a researcher in former U.S. Rep. Joe Kennedy\\u2019s first Congressional campaign. But this was of course a stepping stone to where he is today the\\xa0recognized expert on job hunting and career management. Throughout the years our guest and his team\\u2019s mission has always remained the same: to help people find rewarding, interesting jobs that pay decent salaries and to help employers find the best possible candidates for those jobs So whether you are looking for your first dream job, a better dream job or just want to manage the direction of your career, Mac\\u2019s List offers the resources you need to make it happen. In addition to Mac's List, he also runs\\xa0Prichard Communications, a registered B Corp creative agency that works with top-tier foundations, nonprofits and purpose driven brands across the country. So was this a business driven by his desire to help people change their lives or simply a gap in the market he could see needed to be filled? And where do people go wrong when looking for a job? Is it not knowing themselves well enough, or the company that they are hoping to enter? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr Mac Prichard. Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with Mac Prichard such as: Why it is so important to be able to delegate in your business, as this is a brilliant way of scaling your business.\\xa0The owner must be allowed to do what they do best. Why knowing your goals is the first thing that people need to be focused on when going for a job. Don't take the job without knowing what you want to get out of it. The second thing is looking for a company that interests you.....make sure you connect with people inside that organization to find out what its like on the inside before you ever go for the interview. and lastly\\u2026. The issue that surrounds the job market place, where 80% of jobs are never being posted to the world. \\xa0Recognise that most jobs are filled by word of mouth and start networking."