DR CK Bray: A Man Who Found His Unique Self At High School and Then Forgot Who He Was For 20 Years

Published: July 11, 2014, 4:01 a.m.

b'Our guest today, comes onto the show with a drive to make life better for so many of us who spend our days in jobs we don\'t like. I think already that we are connected at birth! Starting his life with a dream to be a news anchor or game show host, he for some reason that we will find out about, decided instead to go into Corporate America, where for 15 years he surrounded himself with the kind of folk that have gone onto become his target audience. The moaners and groaners, the dispirited, or simply the employees that need help to find their swing, develop their potential, get promoted and enjoy working for a living. Well unlike many people who have got to a point in their career, where success is about maintaining instead of gaining, he decided that he was the man to help them. Pausing his corporate\\xa0gig, he went back to school and earned himself an MBA and PHD, which literally was the starting point to the second half of his working life, and what seems to me to be the unique path that he had been looking for all along. Now with his "Career Revolution"\\xa0platform consisting of a podcast, blog, video tips and empowering information to one and all he is firing on all cylinders. As he says "Creating a career takes hard work, patience, planning and most importantly, someone to help you along the way." So lets find out what was the tipping point to the leap of faith that started it all? Lets find out if he would still like to be a game show host? And most important lets find out how he has\\xa0managed to find the time to have produced\\xa0five girls, and one boy! It is with pleasure that I bring onto the show to start joining up the dots of his life, the one and only Dr CK Bray.'