Don't Think That Others Success Is What They Want

Published: Dec. 22, 2020, noon

b'When it comes to going for success its true that most people only have a glimpse of what it is by viewing other peoples lives. So why do we compare, review and envy others, when quite frankly they might not be happy with it anyway? This podcast was inspired by the following email from a listener who asked... Dear David, i listened to your podcast episode about creating success. In fact most of them touch on this. But what can you do if you dont know what success should be like? I cant\\xa0think of anything worse than working in a powerful finance position. I wouldnt\\xa0want to be flying across the world for meetings like some of my friends do. I just like the simple things in life, which makes pub chat very difficult\\xa0as it seems to others i dont have ambition. Just musing, and thought my favourite podcaster might have some ideas Senita Latral, Vienna, Austria'