Discover Your Talent

Published: March 15, 2017, midnight

b'My guest today, on the confidence boosting Join Up Dots free podcast interview is a man who I was happy to spend an hour with when being interviewed on his successful online show Discover Your Talent. So you know that he is a podcaster. But as you will see he is so much more than that too. After leaving the army as a young man with an honorable discharge, he attended Emory University graduating with a BA in Russian Language and Literature, before taking the first steps on a path that so many of us find ourselves on. Being directed by the ideals of his father, and very little imput by what our guest truly wanted himself, he begain studying to become a dentist. Which was a false step in the wrong direction, as without a doubt at his core he is an entrepreneur born and bred, and a very good one at that. Since 1972 he has founded a new business every few years ranging from publishing to advertising and most things in between. As he now says \\u201d As it has turned out, my experiences as entrepreneur, inventor, writer and coach in advertising, publishing and career planning is the perfect foundation of skills, passion and talent to excel in the meteoric rise of podcasting worldwide. Add to that the disturbing statistic that 87% of people worldwide do NOT enjoy the work they do every day and this podcast channel truly is an idea whose time has come\\u2026. For me and for the people who listen to it around the world.\\u201d So there we have it. At his core he is a man who needs to love his work, feel inspired everyday and make a difference to everyone that he meets. It doesn\\u2019t matter what environment he finds himself in\\u2026.the work has to be classed as a passion for him to truly discover his talent So does he wish that he could go back in time and start his podcast even earlier than he did? And with that shocking stat of 87% not enjoying their work, what does he truly believe he can do to make a difference to the world? Well let\\u2019s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Don Hutchenson Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with Don Hutcheson such as: Don shares why he feels some of the things that he invented in his life, which didn\\u2019t make any money, were simply created before their time. They sometime need the right time to grow and be the things he hoped they would be. Why we all need the quiet time in our lives to really assess what we want to achieve. We need to block out the noise and feel the emotions that are leading us. Why upskilling is so important in our lives, no matter what level we find ourselves on. Stop and look where we need to go and let knowledge help ease the way. and lastly\\u2026. Why Don believes that \\u201cKnowing Your Why\\u201d is actually the second question that we should be asking ourselves. Instead we should be focusing on \\u201cThe Who\\u201d\\u2026\\u2026do you trust yourself and know yourself?'