Digital Marketing

Published: July 5, 2017, midnight

b'Digital Marketing is needed by all businesses, and my guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots free podcast interview is a a lady who is shining a light into the sky that screams to the world "I am here to help, let us do what we are good at!" She is the co-founder of Scoop industries a company focused on growing your services and business with simple strategies for sustainable success. Which sounds very impressive, but when you hear that she grew her digital marketing business from $0 to $200,000 in less than two years, then Im sure that you will be taking out your pen and paper and making some serious notes. After leaving the Indiana University Bloomington with a BA in Pyschology, Management and Spanish, it wasn\'t obvious that she would now be the co-founder of her own rocking and rolling digital company. Instead she did what most entrepreneurs do at the beginning, and she got a job, in her case with The Neilson Company, performing numerous roles over a four year period, before it seems an usual turn in her career path occurred when she joined Corepower Yoga for another few years. However it was in the midst of this, career detour when it seems to me the first of her dots leading to where she is today truly appeared She joined Catalina Marketing in Chicago where she was brought on to help start up a new digital media division, helping product, marketing, sales and internal finance and billing teams, create a new process for a new online, video, and mobile product. And now with Scoop Industries\\xa0digital marketing she is bringing all the skills gained over the last ten years into one place and rocking it big-time. So what was the biggest learnings she brought with her, that made such a difference to the success of Scope? And looking back did she need a business partner to help her get it off the ground, or was this just another piece of growing into an entrepreneur business owner? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Brittany Becher. Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with Brittany Becher such as: How she remembers growing up in a place that she couldnt wait to leave, and the reasons why she has now returned. Brittany shares how she met her business partner, and how she came to realise that this was the lady that would work perfectly with her - even though they live in different countries. Why she spent nine months planning out how the business was going to work with her partner going forward - which was so smart and saved months of difficulties. and lastly\\u2026. Why it is so important to be aware of those moments of your life when excitement appears in your stomach. Reflect on why you are feeling that way as there are clues to a new future.'