Digital Agencies

Published: May 22, 2017, midnight

b"Digital Agencies have become big business for my guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots free podcast interview is a man with an amazingly unusual road to where he is today as a digital agency expert. Not least, as I discovered that his first job was a gravedigger at a Pet Cemetery, digging graves for Fido and Felix, and many other beloved pets who had used up their extended lifelines. But certainly his career might have seen dead and buried, but in fact it was just one of the big dots that has lead him to where he is today. Digging around the internet, spying on the competition and bringing the five steps of lead generation to life for his clients As the founder of Digital Agency School and the CEO of the marketing agency GoBeyond SEO, he believes that there are five stages that all businesses need if they want to floruish in their markets 1. Identify your ideal client 2. Research what works in your market (i.e. \\u201cspy\\u201d on your competition) 3. Craft a converting message and foot in the door offer 4. Build a funnel you can leverage 5. Analyze the data and optimize And this systems appears to be working wonders, as even though he started his agency with no experience, no marketing education or any connections in the industry he is certainly rocking and rolling. Now he wants to help other marketers launch their own agencies so they can build their ideal career & lifestyle and I suppose legacy. And isn't that what life is all about, helping as many people as you can to get their dream, and in the process getting your own one as a result. So how did he start Digital Agencies if he had no experience in it, and still make it a success? And does he look back at the time when he used to read the newspaper over the radio to blind people as useful in anyway to where he is now? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr Brian Saemann Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with Brian Saemann such as: Why the skill of anti-selling is such a powerful concept in business...and what is that? Quite simply the more that we tell someone that they can't have it the more they will want it. Brian tells how he had to work two jobs for a year and a half until he had the money and structure to start his new business (even after being pushed by his wife) Why Brian feels that all businesses, especially in the beginning should thrive on old school marketing techniques as these are so much easier to understand and will make money quicker. and lastly\\u2026. Brian shares the mistakes he has made both financially and timewise, which although disappointing, have led him to where he is today."