Devesh Dwivedi: From Comic Book Failure To The Key To The Jail This Guy Will Inspire The World

Published: June 23, 2014, 4:01 a.m.

b'Todays guest is the type of person that can only really be described as a serial entrepreneur.He has been founding and co founding businesses since he was 14 years old, when he started his first business a comics book rental company. And since then he has navigated the world of the 9 \\u2013 5 with, lets say wariness.Being somebody who readily describes himself as a round peg in a square hole, the life in corporate land was something that never really fitted.In fact he considers working in a cubicle or other standard position as jail, and has since 2009 been inspiring folks across the globe to escape and find their own futures, through the Breaking The 9 To 5 Jail programme.And that passion has led him to become a public speaker of note with keynotes and workshops driving home the message of \\u201cConsistent action taking.\\u201dUsing his life incidents, client stories, experiences, fun observations, and a unique story telling approach, he has inspired, informed, and entertained audiences of all ages and abilities.He strongly believes that one can be over-educated however, one can never be over-inspired and inspiration is the most important element of each success story.So how does he do this?And how does he find the courage to take such huge action everyday, as he changes not just his life, but that of 1000\\u2032s of others too?Well lets find out as we start joining up dots with the one and only Divesh Dwivedi'