Developing Personal Strengths

Published: Oct. 7, 2018, midnight

b'My guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots free podcast interview is a lady from Melbourne Australia who has one belief in life. That all of us are capable of being a bigger, brighter version of ourselves than we give ourselves the opportunity to be. Her official bio states that she is "is a best-selling author, workplace well being teacher and playful change activator" which is of course true but is not something that occurs by magic. Back in 1994, she was working for PR Works as a general manager where she built a profitable IT portfolio, as well as creating a media training service for CEOS. Which I find fascinating, as someone who is now firmly entrenched in the people development world, this wasn\'t an area of her life that just burst into being after several decades. It was there right at the beginning, which grew larger in her next job as a PR Manager for Sausage Software. But it seems to me that things moved up a gear when performing the position at Pricewaterhouse Coopers, as their international leadership coach, where she worked across the world to implement the companies brand strategy using Positive Psychology theories across their culture. And then there comes the time where our guest could have continued to rise up the ranks in corporate land, gaining the salary and working tirelessly to build someone else dream. But our guest had other ideas, and left to create her own company and her own dream, after completing her Masters in Applied Positive Psychology (MAPP) at the University of Pennsylvania And with a career history scattered with roles lasting a couple of years or so, it appears that she has truly found her thing, as she has stayed where she is ever since. Developing her company, bringing in bigger clients and well......loving it. As she says "I\'m passionate about bringing out the best in people, particularly at work. Fusing Neuroscience and Positive Psychology into tested, practical actions, I create happier, more rewarding and more profitable workplaces for employees, their bosses and their organisations." And who wouldn\'t love to do something that you are passionate about everyday. That is the dream after all. So when did she get the inkling that building her business was awaiting for her? And was it scary time or "Hell yeah, lets get going?" And is there a similar theme that stops most companies, and the employees of those companies operate at the highest level? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Michelle McQuaid.'