Decision Making

Published: Aug. 14, 2017, midnight

b'Decision making is hard, especially when you dont have all the information. But todays guest is a decision making master. He is\\xa0the co-founder and CEO of Hireology. His\\xa0mission to help business owners make better hiring decisions using predictive data and innovative technology. What this means, as far as I can see, and I am sure that our guest will tell me I am right or wrong on the show is instead of sitting down with someone and using the gut feeling of "I like this person, I could see them doing a good job in this company" you attract the right people by using cutting edge technology. Sending job positions through to mobile phones, attracting potential employees to your own bespoke company job board, wannabe employees do a series of tailored tests before even stepping foot in your business. You have the ability to take much of the manpower away from finding the good guys. And with old style hiring processes sitting at a miserable 50% success rate in finding the type of employees and company really wants can see his mission to change things is needed across the world. Now personally you can see that today\'s guest has always been driven to change things for the better, he is nothing but driven (and of course very very busy it seems) After\\xa0living in suburban\\xa0Atlanta\\xa0for 10 years, his family moved to the suburbs of\\xa0Chicago\\xa0in 1990 where he graduated from\\xa0Crystal Lake South High School\\xa0in 1994. He then received his Bachelor of Arts degree with a double-major in History and Communications from the\\xa0University of Illinois\\xa0 before\\xa0earning a master\'s degree in business administration from\\xa0DePaul University, where he serves on the Board of Advisors for the Coleman Entrepreneurship Center. In\\xa0\\xa02010, he even placed himself as a Republican nominee and challenged for the\\xa0Illinois Senate, representing the 7th district in the\\xa0Chicago area. So where did he ignite his passion for changing the futures of people, through either job recruitment or in the wider political sense? And did he struggle like most entrepreneurs to get the ball rolling, or was the need he was aiming to fill simply crying out for his skills? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr Adam Robinson. Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with Adam Robinson \\xa0such as: Adam recalls the times in his life when he had no money, scrabbled around for two cents in his life, and shares why it is was so fun to be creative with his decisions at this time. We talk about the times when a business goes wrong, and why more often than not looking back you can clearly see the mistakes that can be learned from. Why Adam is a firm believer that there are no decisions that define your life. Make the decision, move forward and learn from what went wrong and right. and lastly\\u2026. We discuss how even the greatest product is quite simply a dead duck without marketing involved, and why this doesn\'t need to cost a lot of money. decision making is what makes a life.'