Dear Mattie Show I Want A Dream Job To Give Career And Sex Advice

Published: Sept. 2, 2016, midnight

b"My guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots free podcast interview is Matt Marr, an actor from the USA. He has a title that I have never used before on any show But it is one that I wish that I had come up with, as he has been called the Gay White Oprah which is a fantastic name. But how has he come to receive such an accolade you maybe asking? He is also the host of the Dear Mattie Show the top ranked podcast on iTunes. Well my listeners it can be put down to one thing, or maybe two things. The ability to be himself, and the ability to know how to connect with others and startup a conversation that builds success. You see all business success is based on these two characteristics, and it seems that our guest has them in abundance. As he says \\u201cI am the type of guy that can meet you and within two minutes have you spilling your heart out\\u201d So it\\u2019s with little surprise, that after receiving his Masters in Clinical Psychology from Antioch University in 2009, he has been taking this ability to open the hearts of whoever he talks to by helping people everywhere with his weekly advice podcast \\u201cThe Dear Mattie Show\\u201d where he discusses relationships, sex, fear, friends, job, and even makeup in an inspiring and entertaining format. But if you are thinking that this is just another normal type of life-coach guest that you see all over the shop,then think again. He is also a singer; received a undergrad in Opera Performance from the University of North Texas, has been active in the project Get Empathy, a campaign to build a national movement to stop bullying in schools. Communication Director for Brave Trails, supporting Gay, Lesbian and Trans-Gender folk to become thought leaders in their fields, and a stand-up comic and producer. So with all these different experiences and knowledge, is there a chance that he could get lost with himself and dilute whatever he considers his god given super power? And when he get someone to start talking does he every think\\u2026\\u201dOk, Ok, I think this was a bad idea? This person just wont shut up?\\u201d Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr Matt Marr. Jobs, Freedom, Business, Lifestyle, Success, Best, Career,Top, Podcast, Startup, Steve, How, To, Content, Dream To hear more from Matt Marr go to: Podcast: The Dear Mattie Show Description: The Dear Mattie Show is an advice podcast with a lil' bit of humor, a lot of heart, and a helping hand. Each week host Matt Marr, clinical therapist and comic, answers emails sent by listeners who need advice on love, sex, or any life lesson. To help Matt in his quest to make your life easier, he usually enlists a guest host-often a neighbor, a colleague, or the cute guy he keeps seeing at the dog park. To learn more or ask for advice, go to"