Dealing With Negativity

Published: May 11, 2018, midnight

b"Welcome to the Join UP Dots podcast, it's a delight to have you here. In todays episode we have based it around the following review that we received from a listener in the UK (and believe us we LOVE getting nice ratings and reviews). Now this one was quite profound, as it touched on something that causes us all issues at times in our life. How we should deal with negativity in our day to day life, and especially the type that surrounds us because of the work and the like. You know the people who aren't really bad, and miserable, just a bit lost and make it known to others. So anyway, here is the review Join up dots\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0 May 9, 2018 by\\xa0Seacroft18\\xa0from United Kingdom Just discovered these podcasts and listen to them everyday on the way to work. Inspirational people and an excellent host! Highly recommend. I am an enthusiastic person surrounded by fairly negative people and was finding myself dragged down. This podcast is excellent for focus and new ideas amongst many other things and most of all it gives me a lift! As David mentioned on the show, the best way to overcome this is to start replacing them in your life. Yes, its not easy, but it can be done and if you want to find an easy way start with looking at other influences and not just at the people. Start by reading more positive content, or listening to more positive podcasts. Surround your workspace with motivational quotes and images. Get your mind to start looking for the good in things (and people) more and more, and little by little you will realise that the negativity is something that you wont tolerate anymore. You will need to get rid of them in your life and will take active steps to achieve that no matter how difficult it is."