Dealing With Crushing Disappointment (MINDSET)

Published: Jan. 18, 2019, midnight

b'In todays episode of Join Up Dots we talk about an issue that effects every single one of us in our lives. The feeling of disappointment. You know what its like. You study really hard for your exams, and when you get the results back you haven\'t done as well as you thought you would. Disappointment. You pluck up the courage to ask that person that you fancy out on a date, and they look at you and say "No, im ok thank you" Mega Disappointment......and i\'m sure that you can think of many different forms of disappointment that occurs in your life everyday. Now, through the process of building Join Up Dots into what it is today, on a day to basis I have had crushing failures where success was mine to have. I have invested time and money into something worthwhile and all I got was a whack in the mouth and that feeling if disappointment that can knock you off track. However, what are we really feeling at these times in our lives? Well, i have been thinking about this more and more and I dont think that we are disappointed by the result, more to the fact of how we thought our life would change moving forward. It\'s actually the future version of ourselves that we are upset at missing out on. Our lives wont be going into the sexy world that we had been pining our hopes on as we would have liked. But here is the kicker. This is the real lesson to be had during the times when we receive news differently to what we were expecting. Our lives have not changed at all. We are in exactly the same position as we were two seconds before hand. We have the same money. We have the same health. We have the same past and present. It\'s just our desired future that is different and that has never existed anyway. So what are we getting disappointed about? A fantasy? The luxury holidays, the new car, paying off doesn\'t matter what it is as it\'s never happened. Its all in our heads. Therefore all we have to do is accept it for what it was, and set about making it what it is, and i guess this is the main truth of all. When we get that life that we want then it will be all the more sweeter and we can truly savour the achievement.'